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Everything posted by Cov87

  1. Very heavy snow here in coventry starting to get a slight covering..another 6hrs of this we will be buried!
  2. Beeb and met office have got this wrong on so many levels snowing hard here in coventry for last half hour and they had the snow to start at 1am LOLL
  3. Can report rain turning to heavy sleet here in coventry..way earlier then expected?? Edit well not heavy sleet but a few flakes comming through in heavier burst of rain
  4. Raining hard here in coventry...i think the snow will struggle to settle on such wet surfaces
  5. What i find amusing is the beeb and there forecast at 9am it showed coventry having 6hrs of heavy snow from midnight then it changed again to forecasting sleet for 6hrs and now has us down for 6hrs of heavy snow again...??
  6. Dont think any of the models or the metoffice are confident in predicting how much snow will fall or even settle!
  7. Yeah he has just tweeted that which has come as a big surpise. Think at the moment somewhere between birmingham to Leicester is going to get some seriously heavy snow fall for 4-6 hours.
  8. Think birmingham to east of our region will do.very well!!!
  9. Still snowing in coventry 12hrs and counting upto 17cms...
  10. Still snowing in coventry over 10hrs of continuous snow amazing
  11. Finally snow has died down in coventry! Highest snow depth since 1991 with 15cms
  12. 12.7cms measured in coventry and still going going to get 15cms easy by the end of the day
  13. Upto 11.5cms here in coventry and its getting heavier and heavier could we get 20cms??
  14. 10cms here now in coventry roads are atrocious and snow still falling
  15. 8cms so far in coventry and still going strong could be around 12-15cms by the end of the day amazing
  16. Amazing gettin heavy again in coventry should be close to 10cms now will.post some piks
  17. Snow is still falling in coventry not as heavy as earlier but still building up..might get heavier soon??
  18. Im only half a mile from sky dome and the roads are bad very bad infact as the council havent gritted the roads think schools and business will be closed for a couple of days
  19. Snow really building up in coventry and to think we have another 4 or 5 hours of heavy snow to go this could be the heaviest snowfall since 1990!
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