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Everything posted by parrotingfantasist

  1. Does this not concern you? Where on this chart might it suggest that Arctic Sea Ice extent might be just as low as it is now, maybe 100 years ago?
  2. So far we aren't doing terribly on sea ice extent. But can consistent surges of warm air through the Bering Sea and Barents Sea slow progress?
  3. Might this help? Lowest minimum temperature: Lowest value of the daily minimum temperature for each calendar year, averaged over climatological reference periods. UK: 1961-1990 average -8.5 °C; 2008-2017 average -6.8 °C. Shown us that the lowest daily minimums on average have been rising, even with very cold spells in perfect synoptic conditions? Might this tie in with our ability to breach record low temperatures?
  4. You won't be promising anything next year haha! Not until it's in the 2 day range Lol
  5. Little change. The usual thin ice loss around Barents Sea coast because of the mild weather ATM.
  6. Lovely outside. Spring kicking in even though its the 14th of February lol.
  7. I generally hope all of your predictions are wrong!
  8. With the high temperatures in and around Scandinavia I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of snow cover loss this week. Will be interesting to see.
  9. If this keeps up for any longer I'll do a Ronan and jet off to Iceland!
  10. 13C/14C possible tomorrow I'm sure. Nice but as for it being February, very out of place.
  11. Shocking outputs, so I'm putting my white flag up. I can only dread that these kind of Winters might dominate in the future..
  12. This winter has been shockingly poor as regards to temperatures. Besides the shot of snowy weather at the end of last month, the entirety of this Winter just hasn't been cold at all. And you can see that with the daffodils and other garden plants shooting up like its Spring. Great thing next week will be 10/11C again.
  13. Forecast is absolutely abysmal. Solid 10/11C Spring weather for a whole week. No thanks
  14. MetEireann should at least overlay MetO warnings over the north to avoid this stuff. I don't see any technical problems to it after all in the new Metoffice beta page there is no border on Ireland at all lol
  15. If the GFS is right especially into its latter stages, it'll be an early early Spring. Europe in the oven!!
  16. What an embarrassing defeat. Many questions will be asked!
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