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Everything posted by Freeze

  1. Much better from tomorrow onwards, warmer and sunnier, anything is better than today.
  2. I'll be happy to finally reach mid teens in the first place!
  3. Mapantz according to netweather I have a feels like temp 10.9c here, feels rather chilly and decided to use the heating one last time, usually wouldn't now but because of how damp it is the flat feels cold.
  4. danm yes land of the eternal sea breeze, its very noticeable how warm it suddenly gets when the wind does switch to offshore. Easterlies are usually the only warm direction at this time of year.
  5. I keep reading everyone saying how warm it is, feels chilly here with the cloud and breeze only 13c. It's actually warmer in most of Scotland and the orkneys than here!
  6. It may be 4/5c in the shade this morning, but in direct sunlight you can feel the power of the sun strength now, lovely sunny morning.
  7. Yes pretty bad flooding here overnight as tides were a record high 7m. I didn't actually see any flooding myself although I live by the river as the tide receded before dawn, but lots of homes and businesses have been ruined.
  8. CryoraptorA303 air feels dry here now the murk has cleared.
  9. Dewpoints around Kent are all below 6c how can it be humid?
  10. Decent-ish day so far here, sunny spells in the morning, light winds, the supposed showers/rain dissipated as it approached from the south and instead just clouded over a bit, currently 15c so not too bad.
  11. Already feeling warmer today than yesterday despite being 2c cooler at this point, mainly because we have pure blue skies and sun.
  12. It's now dark, raining and 13c feels quite chilly actually. Still awaiting the first warm feeling day that doesn't require a jumper.
  13. Just about scraped 15c but dropping now back to 14c and cloudy. Doesn't feel that warm here but certainly not cold.
  14. Yeah it's not even warm down here really, no different feel to the week gone just a bit windier. It'll be one of those days that starts warm ish but doesn't go any higher.
  15. I wouldnt call it extraordinary, long fetch south-westerly with a warm airmass, long land track for eastern and central areas means warmer temperatures there, these synoptics don't bring early warmth for us on the south coast unfortunately, max of 15c here.
  16. My memory of august 2022 is heat and scorching sun with a cracking thunderstorm near the end of the month
  17. We've managed 4 days of almost continuous sunshine and blue skies here, not bad going really!
  18. Bright sunshine this morning, if it lasts, the entire 4 day weekend will have been mainly sunny, shame I've had to work every day of it.
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