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Everything posted by Stav

  1. Very happy not to have 44c Matt. I didn't like that when I lived in air conditioning in Bahrain and certainly wouldn't like it here. As you have said before 24c with a nice breeze and low humidity will do me fine.
  2. I see, looking ahead on the Met Office forecast, that even when daytime temperatures moderate nightime minima are still high (e.g. 15c in mid Sussex). Anyone know why that would be?
  3. I really like mid 20s, low humidity and a breeze. I don't understand why people seem to will 30c plus with high humidity. It makes being active hard work.
  4. Has there ever been snow in the south in April that has settled for any length of time? I can remember it snowing heavily in April and as late as May when I was young, but always disappearing quickly.
  5. But isn't it the only pattern that will keep deep cold in place now we are a bit later in winter?
  6. Very disappointing so far in mid-Sussex. Wet ground, light snow/sleet and not settling. After all that anticipation.
  7. Given the synoptics and the way the models look, I a surprised the Met Office are going for maxima of 1, -1, -1, and 1 over the next four days here in mid-Sussex. I am sure in the cold spells of my youth daytime temperatures were colder than that. One January in the mid-80s I am sure I remember -13 one night.
  8. Question for the experts about the Iberian high. Will this definitely scupper strong cold and snow for the south-east. If so, how much does it need to weaken or move to allow us to have what we desire?
  9. I hope that SqueakheartLW has not been chased away from posting the votex charts. I enjoyed his summaries.
  10. How long does the Easterly look like lasting? I hope it is set for a while.
  11. Please could someone explain something to me. It appears to be generally accepted among members here that snowfall after the middle of Feb will be short-lived on the ground due to the strength of the sun making it melt or evaporate. Indeed, during the Best from the East last Feb / Mar that was exactly what happened here in mid-Sussex despite cold uppers and surface temperatures. However, where my wife is from in Russia is further south than here, and so the sun is theoretically even stronger, but fallen snow can stay intact there despite any sun, probably through to mid March. What are the factors at play here?
  12. Sorry, I wouldn't. I don't see the point of a marginal snow event where everything disappears straight afterwards. Been through them quite a few times - it is like instant, shallow gratification. I think in our hearts we all want an easterly set for a long time, with deep cold and regular snow.
  13. I enjoy reading the SSW musings in here. It would be a pain to always have to switch to another thread to see them.
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