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Everything posted by Daenerys

  1. Wind has suddenly picked up here I. Epsom . On the radar, its just to the west of us but I'm watching that one by Brighton!
  2. I can see the lightning lighting up the sky when I look south, from Epsom. It looks pretty severe!
  3. Storm incoming! Really hoping we get something here in NE Surrey. We misses out last time, it appears to be heading towards us??
  4. I hope so!! Last time I did spinning, I couldnt walk properly the day after. You're a braver person than me!
  5. Oops my bad,sorry! I went to do it yesterday and forgot. No worries!
  6. Well it appears that a fair few of us are in the firing line. NE Surrey looking good. We missed out on the last one, so be good to see a light show this evening!
  7. Saw one lonely flash of lightning an hour or so go, but not much to report from Epsom, Surrey. Its further East than I was expecting! Are we expecting a flurry of more tomorrow?
  8. I'm sorry its causing you anxiety. I've never experienced anything like you have. I cant even begin to comprehend what that must have felt like. Fingers crossed it doesn't affect you too badly. I sure as hell wasn't expecting this much rain today.
  9. Heard that rumble too. This is like a waiting game now. It has swerved slightly nw
  10. We have had similar flooding here in Epsom. I'll let you know in half hour or so, if we come out the other end of the convective line!
  11. I have a snow sledge in my garage and a random oar. Suppose I could bodge together a boat and get my arms at the ready, for a wet commute tomorrow..
  12. That line is heading straight towards me. Gulp.
  13. Ah thankyou for explaining. There was smoke coming from the pavement , yes. Sounded quite frightening actually!
  14. I haven't been here for what feels like donkeys years. But the rain has brought me back! Wow! The rain has been relentless in Kingston. Took ages to get home due to the path exploding outside Primark. Something to do with electrics. The same has happened in Epsom too. What's that all about? Just think, this time last year. Twas glorious...
  15. I've lost count the amount of times my bin has flown off. Last fence panel is swaying, I reckon it'll be a goner come tomorrow. I love a good storm too, certainly got through all our laundry bins today! However, it also freaks me out when it starts blowing a hooley round the house. Wind has been quite extreme here today, especially mid afternoon.
  16. Well. I took a look at my fence today, and bid a farewell as I am pretty sure the last panel standing is going to disappear come tomorrow eve! The wind scares me more than any other weather, not sure why? Maybe it's the unpredictability and chaos it can cause. Certainly not a day to be going for a paddle...
  17. Omg. It is mental out there right now. The wind and rain is insane.
  18. Well that was an eventful afternoon!! My fence has gone down on both sides, bins everywhere,trellis down. The gusts were INSANE! went out for a short walk and my car was surrounded by some pretty huge branches that had come down. Surprised it hadn't smashed my screen! Is Tuesday expected to be as gusty for us?
  19. Next week looks interesting, storm wise? Pretty gusty here today, got the big winner coat back out after being fooled by the glorious sunshine weeks ago!
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