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Everything posted by Daenerys

  1. Well. The radar suggest some heavy rain heading my way. It's already heavy. Does this mean I'd better get my canoe out?! Shame it wasn't like this when we were supposed to get snow!!
  2. The wind is so strong it blew me into NEXT and encouraged me to buy clothes. Next thing you know, it'll be blowing me into a pub. What a shame?!
  3. Wonderful. Just in time for the school run! I'll take my umbrella and maybe I'll turn up a la Mary Poppins?! On another note, my bin has fallen over outside. Riveting stuff.
  4. Went for a walk around Polesden Lacey (Bookham) completely unprepared for snow! It's still a couple of inches deep in places. Beautiful day today.
  5. Well. I WOULD post photos, but I fear I will embarrass you all with the amount we got here!!! Truly amazing (!) You guys. Your photos are beautiful. I love a Winter Wonderland. Let's hope we get another shot at this before Spring is upon us. As much as I love Spring, I don't feel quite ready for it ..yet..
  6. Well. That was not expected! I didn't get much but it was good to see others doing well. On a serious note, this has made me realise how important it is to keep an emergency stash in your car. Even a blanket and torch etc. Sounds obvious, but most of us wouldn't expect to be caught out like some have especially in the SW.
  7. Snow also settling here in Epsom. Can also hear drip, drip , drip so unsure how long it's going to last for!
  8. Maybe we will get the last hoorah down here in the snow shield of the evening
  9. Well, the snow is faulty light now but at least it made an appearance. Albeit a late one.
  10. BREAKING NEWS. Finally snowing in Epsom. Just had a call from sister up in Reigate Hill. It's like a blizzard up there. Apparently.
  11. I just had a moan about the radar. What do I do? Check it straight after. Like some miracle is about to happen and a Thames Streamer is heading my way. For hours. And hours. And hours. Think I need to cue the Benny Hill theme whilst watching it flow all around me!
  12. I've been under it since 6ish? Not an iota! I don't trust it after this
  13. I've been out a short while and hadnt realised that we STILL havent had a flake!!! It's looping around us
  14. You can keep the cheese and onion crisps. I'll have Ready Salted. Boring but versatile. Go well in a crisp sandwich. Underated. As for drinks, I'll have a cider. Cheers.
  15. I think I'm starting to see the radar when I'm not even looking at it.
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