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Zak M

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Everything posted by Zak M

  1. Just caught this bolt from the blue to my west from a storm that developed near Tampa
  2. I don't think I've shared this here, but here's an image I captured of a double (?) CG from a few days ago. I'm placed SW of Orlando.
  3. Here's the rest: I still have yesterday's storm footage to edit, haha. I'll get there!
  4. Another incredible storm has just developed here. Torrential rain and frequent CGs as I type.
  5. Short video from tonight. More to come!
  6. Pretty sure the storm is dying out now... but that was incredible, I don't know what else to say.
  7. OMG, huge CG 100 meters away. This is the best storm I have seen in my lifetime.
  8. It's right over me Chris. Lightning every second. This is a bloody terrific storm.
  9. I'm back in Florida for four weeks, so it's time to start using this thread again! Here's a timelapse of a distant storm looking SW towards Sarasota last night. Lightning was flashing away every two seconds. 31julyfloridastormtimelapse.mp4
  10. Just caught a bolt of lightning on camera to my east from a tiny storm which looks to be passing near Ipswich atm
  11. Spotted a couple of lightning bolts to my east over the past half-hour. Most of the lightning is intracloud though.
  12. Phenomenal NLC display this morn, I was stunned at how far east they were stretching. nlctimelapse.mp4
  13. Yesterday's distant storm. I managed to see quite a few bolts - some of them had pretty cool paths. I also saw this and I'm still baffled. I'm almost certain it wasn't a funnel because I couldn't see much rotation, and if it is a scud then it's definitely the most defined one I have seen for quite a while. Any thoughts?
  14. That image looks pretty familiar: Cumulus congestus cloud - Wikipedia EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG
  15. Bloody hell. Awesome double CG from where I presume is in Essex?
  16. ...he says, in mid-June. There's still plenty of time left. It is way too early to lose hope for the rest of summer.
  17. No need to feel disheartened if Saturday night's storm potential doesn't come off.. some models are showing a low lingering near the BoB whipping up another plume at the start of next week. The 03z UKV hinted at further t-storm potential. Here's Tuesday morning: As ever, the models are liable to chop and change, but there will still be some interest over the next week or so. We'll just have to wait and see what happens...
  18. Tonight's ECM for Saturday evening... this definitely looks interesting
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