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Graeme B

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Everything posted by Graeme B

  1. Yup - definitely looking like a "snow" sky to me in Stirling....
  2. http://www.sat24.com/gb Look at the ridges building up over the Irish Sea - those could be what's due to hit this evening - they look laden. Also looks like a lot of back edge snow as well...
  3. 2c & -4c dewpoint - noticeably colder than it was an hour ago as the front creeps over us...
  4. Only 25 miles to go then for Stirling...
  5. Another hour or so should see it over The Weej....
  6. Damn you Ayrshire lot to hell B) Don't use up all our snow (as my little girl says)..... Can I just add, that having a thread like this, make Netweather so much better (and rewarding) than sitting cowering in the shadows trying to understand GP's posts...Roger - I just nod knowingly and think "What the hell is he talking about".... MMA/GWO/NWO/CIA/FBI/NSA - it's all double dutch to me :o Shugs post yesterday was brilliant, as it helped explain a lot about what to look for etc....
  7. That's what I'm talking about....just a little nudge north eastwards, and we're laughing * It could do with slowing down slightly, as whilst the temps here are still just hovering around freezing, it'd be much better for it to arrive post dusk. * I reserve the right to call this as rain when it hits here :lol:
  8. Aye very good - but where's it heading ?
  9. God - this is worse than waiting for Santa to come
  10. I'd assume the warnings will upgrade for Central as the front swings over us...touch and go IMO
  11. http://www.sat24.com/gb Going to be interesting if nothing else - there's a couple of heavy "back edges" that look like they'll cross right over us. Still whether they have ppn in them is another question.
  12. GFS 6z shows decent snow coming in on a northerly on Tues night into Wed... Still looks baltic all week The warning were for Orange yesterday for Heavy Snow today-issued at 1121 7th...
  13. Mine is still there - though it's now yellow !
  14. Oh dear - Sunday Mail today putting people into panic mode - 10cm+ of snow during the afternoon and night - and their maps pretty much say all of Scotland....
  15. It'll be chilly at Muddyfield...always is - that's why they invented heated beer tents
  16. Surely that's 1121 (am) yesterday ? I remember seeing it earlier yesterday (think I posted the upgrade then)
  17. Ladyp - that was from yesterday (Sat 7) - I think they'll be removing it soon.
  18. Clouding over here in Stirling - but I don't there's ppn in them thar clouds.... GFS 00z is a stunner for more cold - plays havoc with my sciatica, but hey ho - Friday looks good for snow here, but it'll go the way of the pear as it always seems to do. This winter has been great for me as I like cold, not so good as we've had bugger all snow...sigh, maybe I should move to Bristol...
  19. It is splitting with the majority going sarf, but the northern flank is moving over us...just doesn't look up to much though - cloud only I reckon.
  20. Beeb 24 have got no snow whatsoever for us up here... 00z has put a chance of some in the Central Belt - but gotta say, it's not looking very good...
  21. Ross - we (central) were originally Yellow which has now been "upgraded" to Orange.... Means diddly squat, as they'll probably Red Alert Englandshire and leave us green by midnight :o
  22. Temp here has dropped 2c in one hour - dewpoint is currently -4c. As a fellow scot once said... MON THEN !
  23. Jeez ! Msn weather has Stirling with a minimum of -11c on Thursday with snow flurries !
  24. Good Luck for tonight guys ! Us fellow Celts are watching with baited breath !
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