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Everything posted by northriding

  1. Not much action in the end, only 2mm of moderate rain fell and the lightning was a few miles to the west and south east of me.
  2. I'm gonna give it half an hour or so and then call it night. Still hoping there might be an uptick in intensity, even if thundery rain is the best we can hope for.
  3. Only had a fleeting splash of rain from the last 2 plumes. I would take the consolation of a convective downpour tonight. That's really not asking for much.
  4. That must be what I just saw and heard to the west of me.
  5. Heard a solitary rumble from over your way, coincidentally while I was watering the lawn. Not had a drop of rain here, could really do with some for the garden.
  6. First faint rumble I've heard. Shame the cell literally erupted from nothing off the coast of Redcar.
  7. Sun's still shining here. Even with the hit and miss nature of storms, I'm surprised that I haven't even heard a distant rumble of thunder, which is a pretty low bar to reach with today's storm risk.
  8. Not a drop of rain here. Looking at the radar earlier, I'm surprised lightning strikes have been in such short supply. I ain't even heard a distant rumble of thunder.
  9. Bang on 25mm for me. Welcome rainfall for the lawn and garden.
  10. Snow-mad-dave, you ain't wrong, I can't remember the last time we had widespread storms in the NE. We're well overdue an MCS to cross the region.
  11. Reached 39 days without any quantifiable rainfall. Yesterday brought 11mm.
  12. I can empathise. I'm fond of the outdoors, but my grass pollen allergy can make a hermit out of me for much of June.
  13. 35 days without rain, if I don't include a brief misting from drizzle that barely wet the ground. I don't usually water my lawn, but I'll be up at 5 in the morning to give it a thorough soaking.
  14. Yeah, hitting me full bore. The present conditions make for a potent grass pollen cauldron; strong sunshine, bit of a dust bowl after 4 weeks without rain, and stiff onshore breezes stirring everything up. I feel godawful, but I'll happily take this over the dish the North Sea was serving up. The weather itself is lovely right now.
  15. The NW seems to have had the lion's share of the homegrown storms over the last year or two, so must be awful bad luck for you to keep missing out.
  16. More milky white than hazy blue further up the coast, but it's still pleasantly warm at 23C. I can see wishy washy clag out to sea, which will probably infiltrate the coastline when the sun begins to wane. Hope I'm wrong, because it's been a long wait for a bright start to the day with the encamped north easterly flow.
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