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Everything posted by northriding

  1. The early morning rain didn't amount to much for me, only 2mm in the rain gauge. The odd spit and spot of rain is like giving a camel a sip of water; no use for my lawn. Hoping to catch a downpour before the next warm spell.
  2. The blustery winds and parched soils are certainly stirring up the pollen count. A calm rainy day would bring some welcome relief, but the mere fragrance of petrichor would be enough to incite some people to chase me out of town.
  3. Always someone, so might as well be me.. The stiff breeze is exasperating my hayfever symptoms, so the wind can't die down soon enough. I'm gonna suffer regardless, so might as well have blazing sunshine for the duration of the grass pollen season!
  4. Not a drop of rain here. The cloudscape moving N/NE looked rather menacing.
  5. I usually have a little grumble when the potential for storms fails to deliver, but I would snap someone's hand off for a good downpour, even without the sparks. Sowed a few new lawns from seed in spring, but the lack of rainfall has made it quite the struggle to get them established. The gardens could really do with a thorough soaking.
  6. Scraped 25c yesterday. It's been windy for weeks up here (barring yesterday) and that, along with the protracted lack of rainfall is giving me a real gardener's headache.
  7. I would go without a roll in the hay for a blue sky day. Not had a full day of sunshine since the back end of March. That's pitiful, even for our second rate climate.
  8. I'm surprised we haven't all encamped on the moans thread. There was little discernible difference between winter and spring, and any decent spells of weather have been limited to a couple of hours here and there. Subdued temps, far more murk than sunshine, and not much in the way of rain. The lack of posts tells the story.
  9. Any early morning brightness is starting to feel like a chronic false gift!
  10. Yikes, no posts for over a month. I've had my fill with this extended run of northerlies/easterlies and the subsequent nondescript coastal sludgefest.
  11. Storm Arwen howled on and off for a good while before it started to rage in a flash. I hope the same pattern doesn't befall those in Eunice's firing line.
  12. Grim once again. This cheerless clag makes me wanna shake a fist at the sky and flip the bird!
  13. When does summer start? After the cold spring, we've had what seems like the first bout of a twofold autumn in our neck of the woods.
  14. That's how it should be. It's great to see people enthused when they see some storm action. The reports and pictures/videos bring some cheer for those who are missing out.
  15. I don't recall back to back summers as quiet as this up here. We need to complain more like those from the storm starved South East to ensure a distinction is made on here between the NE and NW of England.
  16. Torrential rain here and plenty of IC lightning, more than makes up for yesterday's damp squib
  17. Very dark over your way. Shame, I can't even hear any distant thunder.
  18. Still time for us yet, the forecast looks promising for overnight.
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