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snow raven

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Blog Entries posted by snow raven

  1. snow raven
    1) why do cashiers in supermarkets insist on opening 37 (on the last count) carrier bags and leaving them ready for you while the person before yous debit card goes through (I mean - they have to wait all of 3 seconds - why does the cashier feel the need to do this and clearly at the most, you only need 6 bags at the most for a weekly shop - 12 loo rolls included) Highly annoying as it means half the shopping is lost under plastic bags as its wizzed down the till.
    2) Why does Mini Raven feel the need to poo after 6.87 minutes in the bath? (this is an average - recording started on 01/01/01)
    3) Why do I only attract stalkers at work?
    4) Why do really slow drivers pull out infront of me when I have only minutes to spare to catch my train in the morning? Yet when I have plenty of time, the roads are clear, and my train is cancelled?
    5) Why won't Mr Raven actually take the year long, daily hints and actually get me what I want for my birthday?
    There are lots more 'why's?' in life - but no more I can think of at this moment in time. Can you add any?? I am sure I will think of some more as I go between now and old age death (with any luck being between now and 2067) Please God, let the government allow me to retire before the age of 90.
  2. snow raven
    But I am pleased to say trawling behind impossibly slow people who suddenly stop infront of me in a packed shopping centre is over for another year. Not to mention some mothers with buggies who can only steer in a straight line (into my dainty ankles).
    Just the stuff I can order off the internet (CD's/DVD's etc) for me left. Mr Raven, being the laid back soul that he is won't do his Christmas shopping until Saturday 24th December. (Lets hope they still have Take That's album still in stock by then ) By which time I will be feeling sick after my 23rd mince pie of the day (with double cream - diet obviously starting the following year) and cracking open my 6367th walnut. (which I can never perfect - why do the insides look like dusty crumbs after I have cracked them?)
    I got Mini Raven's presents (Mr Raven will be getting more later) 1 of which, I am very excited about...... a cabbage patch kid doll.
    I loved my cabbage patch kid doll when I was younger (with the green signiture on the bum to prove your parents had paid £30 more for the privilage of their kids having the 'real thing' in the playground) Only in my day, they had wool hair, which was great for cutting and styling into the latest fashions. See, my cabbage patch kid doll had a hair style (cut by my good self) the same as Jon and Jordan Knight of New Kids on the Block. Short on top, with a long thin plait down the back. I wonder if they still get a birthday card on their first birthday?
    Mini Raven had better share her Christmas pressie with me :unsure:
  3. snow raven
    I have been feeling a tad run down of late, and to top it all off, I now have a horrid chesty cough that has appeared from no where. I havent had a cold recently, so I can only guess there is a chesty cough virus going around (hopefully not on onset of bird flu, anyway). It catches me when I breathe, talk (much to the amusement of Mr Raven) and well - pretty much do anything Sleeping has been a nightmare of late - but now its doubley worse when I drop off for 30 minutes, only to be woken up with a hacking cough :unsure:
    So I have bought some COVONIA cough medicine (sorry, I cant say that brand without shouting it Ainsley Harriot stylee) and shall see how I go from tonight!
  4. snow raven
    We got back from London about an hour ago. Not much to say really, except don't bother on a Saturday 6 weeks before Christmas. Oh and posh people have no dress sense, manners and are arrogant fools. An hour in Harrods and I could bare it no longer!
    Plus my feet are killing.
    Gosh, what a miserable blog!!
  5. snow raven
    As some of you will know, I have been building my hopes up that Mr Raven might just use his own initiative and do something out of the ordinary for my birthday. For some of you lucky people who have experienced a partner sweeping you off your feet, this will probably involve a romantic trip to Paris, or a week in Cyprus. For me, a meal out at the local resturant without months of hinting is enough.
    Anyway, after day dreaming that Mr R has secretly booked a table at the local posh resturant that I hint weekly that I love eating in (they do a lovely crab and avocardo starter, followed by seabass and posh mash - it does have a posh name, but I forget what it is) and going mentally through my waldrobe every hour at work today, it turns out that alas. No table is booked. Tonight. Tomorrow night. or EVER.
    After sulking for a few hours (he had even booked tomorrow morning off work, which made me think he had some big night out planned tonight) he could take my sulk no more (quite disapointed it took 2 hours for him to crack - obviously loosing my touch) and finally admited he does have a birthday suprise for me. Tomorrow, we are going up London and going shopping in Harrods and Harvey Nicks. He knows what a dream it is for me to 'pretend' to be posh for a day, and tomorrow we shall. We wont actually be able to buy anything, but it will be a day out pretending our postcode is W1
    My mum and dad were in on the secret, so they have Mini Raven for the day and night tomorrow. So all I need to do now is decide on where we are eating tomorrow night. (oh, and what to wear)
  6. snow raven
    ......thats me. I just couldnt resist looking for my birthday presents.. and I have found one (well, it had better be my bithday present). Part of me is shocked that Mr Raven has actually remembered (and taken the hint)...... and the other half is disapointed at myself for looking for them. I add the word 'them' as there had better be more than one !
  7. snow raven
    I'm having one of my very rare 'feeling down' moments. No good asking me why, as I cant answer that question! I wouldnt go as far as to say I feel depressed, as having been genuinely depressed, I know I can snap myself out of this current 'down' mood.
    However, I just felt the need to write down (or say out loud!) how I feel. (get the violins out!)
    I will snap out of it - I have been here before. However, I dunno - I just felt the need to write down how I feel - and now you lucky people know how I feel. What joy for you all.
  8. snow raven
    I came home from work tonight to find my blood pressure results on the mat (well, floor, since we dont have a mat to wipe your feet) Anyway, it turns out that after 10 months of tests, they have discovered.............................................. that I dont actually have any problems what so ever with it! My 24 hour blood pressure results were: during the day - 131/81 and during the night, 124/78.
    This, rather embarrassingly means (I did think it was this, but was far to ashamed to admit it!) that I am most probably terribly unfit! My blood pressure had only started to read as 'high' around my doctors surgery after they moved the nurses room upstairs. And a flight of stairs does leave my ticker beating rather rapidly to say the least! Ooops.
    Still, on the plus side, I helped a trainee Phlebotomist (who left my arm nicely bruised after failing to find my vein - in the end, out of desperation, I had to point it out to her - much to the annoyance of the nurse who was training her) and also helped a trainee cardiology nurse put electrodes on my chest for my ECG.
    Always look on the bright side of life
  9. snow raven
    ......thank ya very much, thats the nicest thing that anyone ever dun for me....
    yes, for those of you that have seen the film version of Scrooge that had Albert Finney & Alec Guiness (sp) in will know what tune I am 'singing' (if you can call it that!)
    We went to see the stage version of Scrooge - The Musical at the London Palladium last night, and what an excellent show it was. Scrooge was played by Tommy Steele (someone I think the over 50's might remember) and he was pretty good in the role. (even if he did look like Ken Dodd - I think I got dazzled by his teeth at least once)
    It had all the songs from the film version, and a few extra, and the special effects (or illusions) were amazing. How they managed to get the ghost of Christmas past to appear and disapear on stage was brilliant and when Tiny Tim sung, it brought a tear to my eye
    The actual opening night (I think) is on the 8th November, and I think its going to be the 'must see' London West End show for the time being. If any of you get the chance to book tickets for a London show, I would recommend that one.
    Thankfully Mr Raven enjoyed it as well, as I was worried about that - particulary since it was one of my birthday presents for him!
  10. snow raven
    Well, its Mr Raven's birthday on Monday, and he is hitting the big 13 30. (this strike out comes in handy!)
    Today, me and mini raven went shopping to get the last of his presents. I had already bought him (well, and me aswell!) tickets to see Scrooge the Musical at the West End. Then I got him the usual silly present (handy hints around the house type book thingy) and today, me and mini raven chose some aftershave for him. We ended up cornered in Boots by an over helpful shop assistant who insisted on spraying those stick things with different aftershaves for me to smell - which was fine at first, but after about the 15th spray of aftershave they all started to smell the same. Anyway, we ended up getting Chanel 'Egoiste'. I now also smell of aftershave, so I had better wash it off before Mr R guesses his birthday pressie

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