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Everything posted by PiscesStar

  1. Sweet fanny Adams here.... A dreadful winter for all the wrong reasons. Sick of it. But dreading the hot sun.... Hate is as I've got older I prefer the cold and snow. Bet saying that, we now have a scorching summer that will bring out those awful creatures in their droves known as "humans" eugh....
  2. I don't think it's the thing for most of us. Thanks for that! Eternal Autumn just doesn't cut the mustard I'm afraid. No wonder there's been a plethora of colds flus and bugs, it's a perfect cocktail for em... So no.... Not my Thing at all.....
  3. Yes. My Teddy looks a sorrowful sight... . So much so it barely resembles one and I'd be hard pushed to describe what it might look like so I'll leave it there.......
  4. No its not, but it does look like the high is going to sink and merge with the main high again which wouldn't be fantastic at all.. Saying that it might, after a few frames afterward, rebuild northwards, going on to show another northerly of sorts?!
  5. Definitely as I eluded to earlier inoreivous posts. That seems key but what drivers will that depend on to happen that's the bit I can't decipher from the charts... Can anyone suggest anything to watch please
  6. It's all about the potential. Sure as it stands it doesn't produce much but like Mattwolves suggests a few tweaks and it would be game on. The polar vortex is shown to be showing signs of dividing in addition to this
  7. Certainly. This one below showing tasty 850s close by to the UK. Backed A little more westerly and it would be a totally different ball game bringing into play northerlies... M ECM0-240.webp
  8. ECM looks quite tasty. A few. Tweaks of the ingredients and the meal becomes A Banquet
  9. Just a. Matter of time. Strat wise there are changes afoot. Plus, it's picking up on ssw signal... Hopefully this will Manifest intself in the charts over the emxt couple of days fingers crossed. Maybe even the pub run..
  10. At least the GFS is showing some disruption to the high ever present in the run to a greater or less extent. What we need is for it to back further west and retrogressing, enabling more northerlies.
  11. Lol we'd all be celibate for 6 months for a snowflake
  12. You would be correct in your theory that those of us in the south aren't interested since historically speaking short-lived northerlies or North westerlies seldom produce anything for us snow starved dwellers as by the time they get going, the shows all over before its even begun. So, effectively, nothing changes from what falls from the skies and we are merely waiting for the event to finish so that we can start the hunt for snow, cold, proper winter, whatever you want to call it again. The next GFS run will be awaited eagerly by some.
  13. Like this post. A fair, honest and down to earth type post which although sobering is going to be bang on the money... Still, a flake or two is always a special treat anything more fabulous
  14. Couldn't agree any more. For us in the south its rarer than.... Rarer than... Can't think of anything rarer....
  15. Of course it be and those snow starved south easterners will enjoy freezing rain (Kent dweller here)
  16. Would be nice, because it looks like cold. Rain for the south East. Vile.
  17. 18z is HORRIFIC.... It's like an eternity in hell with a conveyor belt of azores high rubbish PV refusing to budge. In a nutshell, truly awful as if you were stuck in a nightmare where there's no way out..... Mother in law stays for the weekend and then stays a week..... Only FAR WORSE.....
  18. A stuck record and an incredibly boring song at that
  19. It makes me think about the law of Averages and the odds. This has to be unbelievably bad luck or something very drastic is happening to our weather that even though we get favourable synoptics and background signals, somehow it defies these signals and dross endures. At some Point therefore, it has to break.... Surely?? What's the longest pattern we have been stuck in and what were the underlying reasons for this?
  20. And lo and behold, it disappears. It seems it is easier to predict what won't happen and that would seem to include anything remotely wintry or cold or snowy for the UK ... A Very sad and poor winter this has turned out to be....again.
  21. It has been an absolute bloody shocker. In fact it beats last year which was dire in itself. I honestly didn't think it possible. Then typically., the met call it right when they said mild. Understatement.
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