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Everything posted by sgrech

  1. It is just me or does band of snow seem to have lost a considerable amount of its intensity since late last night?
  2. About a lvel 5 in Chelmsford. Everything dusted, heavy precipiation but only small flakes currently. Wind gusty at times. Waiting for Mrs to get home from Southend then hoping for level 10!
  3. I am just wondering when we are going to be begin to see some advance warnings from the Metoffice as currently there is nothing at all. I guess that this is due to the continued uncertaintly about this weekends events - however surely they will need to issue some sort of warning during the course of today!?
  4. Had about 1cm of new snow here in the last 90 mins. It's a start whilst waiting for the main event!!
  5. Well can they blo*dy shift around to the E so I can get some proper snow. Going out now, fed up watching and waiting.
  6. Still just light flurries in Chelmsford and still waiting for my first blizzard for a good few years.
  7. Stop press we now have a few flurries, but I want a blizzard!
  8. Maybe in Danbury, but not so in North Chelmsford Surely we are not going to miss all of the action again. Apart from 2hours of snow on Wed morning, we have missed almost everything.
  9. Can anyone confirm whether it is snowing in Witham or Colchester?
  10. I am really beginning to get fed up now. Essesx has lost its warning and all of the lovely showers are skirting by us! :lol:
  11. Still seeming to miss of the more "beefy" showers. They seem to be able to be going to SE of us.
  12. There does appear to be odd heavy shower around this morning, but mainly light flurries. Looking forward now to later today and into tomorrow, hoping to see whiteout conditions at some point, although this may be wishful thinking!?
  13. Just missed a heavy snow shower by about 2 or 3 miles, but others are on the way according to the radar!
  14. Interesting there seems to be a small but potent shower in the north sea heading straight for Chelmsford. The thing that I find interesting is the direct that it is coming from ENE. There is another shower which is also heading for chelmsford from pretty much a northerly direction. Anyone able to explain?
  15. already nearly stopped here. that's it for me. Good luck all!
  16. Wouldn't mind if half of it was over me. Snowing moderately but it ain't going to last long
  17. just started in North Chelmsford, however not expecting much, going to miss most of the fireworks from the current shower. Ah well there is where that came from - hopefully?!
  18. Some places are definitely going to hammered in the next hour. C'mon, where is it?
  19. oh no, if it going to make it here, then it is going to be in the next 10 mins max
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