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Eagle Eye

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Everything posted by Eagle Eye

  1. supercell thunderstorms in queensland. Recently.
  2. looking at what's up ahead we've only just strated best autumn day in a long time. Look at 7 to 8pm that looks heavy.
  3. Same with me i can't seem to attach my timelapse files anymore and i can't change the file type, i was able to at the start of the update. I'm confused as to why i can't now.
  4. I'll be doing a timelapse for each of the showers today Here's the first one Can't seem to attach it so i'll be doing the best frames instead
  5. Another show for down south and more rain for up north. Bussiness as usual but for this year i'm surprised.
  6. Somebodies pressed a button saying rqndom on it for this year haven't they.
  7. 20oc maybe is it just me or has somone whos job it is to make the year normal pressed the random button.
  8. Some warmth approaching next week Before on Saturday looking better than any of the spanish plume chances through the summer, no coldnin sight.
  9. snow in the south east did the chart go wrong or something. this winter is not going to be like that trust me. If only it was.
  10. Weather charts looking good for snow peraonally i love winter but it always seems a long drag without snow i think 2020/21 will be remembered for bad things but i also think it will be remembered for snow. The winter break at school feels too long the fact that arriving back in the dark from the bus doesn't help so tthanks for helping me fet excited about winter i can't believe it's october and already i'm thinking snow is coming soon. I love learning at home i listen to ted talks at home but at school i can barely learn a thing so the fact that this winter looks good is getting me through, this is my first year on here and already i'm ramping up winter with actual evidence and now i can pass the time before winter actually arrives.
  11. update on my winter hopes we'll probably be litterally locked in with snow and can't visit our families knowing this year
  12. I'm quite intruiged as to what it was as well
  13. Just the sun shining in the right place and then suddenly that can happen it's just anything bright that has a lpt of photons that's why it happened.
  14. No chance for me great i'll just sit and wait for the sme to happen nexy year and the year after that and so on
  15. I was surpeised when i turned it on but i support this dark theme and all i've found things on this site which i never thought would interest me
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