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Everything posted by LeeKay/

  1. Thanks for the reports currently on going... Just to note, the temprature is rising here minus 0.8c seems the norm when cloud and precipitation is due.
  2. Like i said, the Welsh marches does have a infuence to the midlands, note the line on the recent radar. It will break through this time, i hope your bins and lamps are up to the job!
  3. Its nearly 8pm the more heavy(er) conditions are expected 11pm onwards. I just hope the precipitation dont clag in the Welsh marches. I will jinx it now with this ready and waiting!
  4. On to lampost watching, recently had LED lampost's here, bar the orange Tungsen? I wonder what one will fair better upon the visual display of the art of lampost watching, we shall see.
  5. Well it could be worse. The weather could be drizzly rain at 9c ! But its not, so hit or miss these next few hours be rain, sleet or snow. The latter i hope, but what we get is what we get. Nowcasts and the watchers are critical now, at least for the next several hours or so. Enjoy it this is it, its happening night now.
  6. Nothing yet, ill go and do a raincheck on that! no pun intened Ill be back in few mins...
  7. My bad, the post by me ive added the image just a fyi. Still going to be up for a long nighter, like when the first snowflakes start falling, be it lampost a bin, car, you know.
  8. Just having a wonder about on 'Windy' ECMWF showing this for midnight, seems to follow the trends on the above snowfall areas that many of you have posted, and a big thanks for that.
  9. The fog was quite impressive in the early hours of this morning, the dencity of the air made things so silent, quite hard to explain but i would say, simalar to how conditions sound when its snowing - weird. Anyway, its snow watch time !
  10. Clear here now, -3.1c currently. Work becons at 4am - ill try and update, In the meantime enjoy your evening.
  11. Minius 2.9c *from* -4c On the Thermo. From a old weather man like me, the outlooks become so far mixed and set in stone. Saturday night mid night. Oh and i dont deleve into the mad thread, too many upsets, from time to time.
  12. This is the hours of meltdown or just a wiff blowing in.? -3.5c from latter
  13. Reading -4c now. dead on. I let mt bro my calibrated kesrel in the summer (4000 series) Did i get it back? Its in the warderobe. Was my reply.
  14. A good launch test, the hot stage ring worked! Starship's staging from B9 was ace, thanks for the photo @toggerob I was working out in the depths of Shropshire today, with no signal to update at all, a bit like yesterday! Ive just had a playback off a few streams, the 33 Raptor engines worked well. A comparison video of IFT 1 and IFT 2, note altitude and pad clear time etc.
  15. @The PIT Yes, good post. Exciting, i would differ. @toggerobz Has some great data and context to the posts, thanks Togger
  16. @Lisa Martin Unfortunatally the solar wind has calmed down, but enjoy the stars, Orion, Taurus.. Severs sisters (pleiades cluster) And much more. Stellarium is well worth a download, covers the sky on axes to your location, worth a look. Stellarium Astronomy Software STELLARIUM.ORG Peak district good to the eye let alone a pair of binoculars. Happy viewing! Keep a eye on AuroraWatch UK · AuroraWatch UK AURORAWATCH.LANCS.AC.UK See the aurora borealis from the UK Hope this helps.
  17. Update: Possible launch timeframe Friday 17th November 2023 at 13:00 GMT. The FTS (Flight Termination System) detinators have been installed a couple of days ago, credit to starshipgazer. And this is a classic, again credit to NSF forum, Good timing with the song too: Anyway, thats enough of that. Currently Starship is fully stacked, weather a bit wet. Live feed, in typing the huge crane is doing some activity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhJRzQsLZGg Have a plesant evening.
  18. It would apper that IFT 2 (Integrated Flight Test 2) Is now on the calendar for the 13th November 2023 at 13:00 GMT. Worth keeping a eye on the launch manifest to see if any changes occour. Image took from: Rocket Launch Manifest NEXTSPACEFLIGHT.COM Next Spaceflight's rocket launch schedule keeps you up to date with rocket launches both past and present.
  19. Im a bit late in posting as its currently happening! Couple of live feeds, im sure there's plenty more:
  20. The FAA and Space X Are still playing ping pong by the looks of things, nothing going on bar ship 25 got dismounted from B9 the other day and Booster 10 got a Cryo test on Friday.
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