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Everything posted by Gizzy

  1. Good old Nick , he is in the positive room now his day of graft is done, he will be even more positive over the coming hours as it's getting to that time folks, snow showers must be virtually upon us all now. Faired up a bit here at the moment but I just know the next lot of ppn coming in will be all snow !!
  2. Think it will become more and more to snow as we head towards midnight and then more into the early hours which will bring the accumulations.
  3. Snowing here but just wet snow at the moment, sticking a bit on the car. Hopefully will see more in the way of heavier dry snow before bedtime.
  4. I am still thinking another couple of hours of this driving rain and sleet but after that the fun starts. Stick with it all, it has to be coming.
  5. Hate that word sleet and it is still slightly concerning that it is still being mentioned in forecasts but I can't see anything but snow, and plenty of it.
  6. Yeah possibly. How are we all bearing up then, anxious, excited, depressed one minute, letting a balloon off the next haha. Amazing times !!!
  7. Dear me Snowman we just get Nick onside and then we get you throwing your toys out of the pram. Yes the SE are going to get snow for a time but in case you have forgot so are we and possibly for at least the next four days and who knows, maybe the next four weeks ??!!
  8. Fingers crossed for you and all of us Damian. I am convinced that by Tuesday we will all be orite or should I say all white !!
  9. Great to hear Nick and great that you are getting into the positive vibe mate - bring it on for each and every one of us coldies.
  10. Yep flakes of snow now mixed in. The start of the much anticipated freeze, stay calm people ( and especially you NickR ) , don't be whinging if you haven't got 15cms by midnight, there will still be plenty of more opportunities in the next week of the freeze.
  11. Does it really matter ?? Get yourself over to Blakey on the NYM and you will see more than that. Would hate to be your wife Nick, there is no satisfying you !!!
  12. Yep I seem that, giving hourly forecasts and forecasting rain and sleet. What a load of rubbish !! You do know the gazette is now part of Reach newspaper group, guess where their HQ is, yep you guessed it, London.
  13. From what I heard of it NES is that the SE will be getting a persistent spell of heavy snow while we get showers. When that persistent spell moves away from the SE it fires things up more with the easterly for us with showers becoming more intensified and prolonged.
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