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Everything posted by Coops241180

  1. Yeah. We got that weird colour too. No rain or even rumbles up here today. Fingers crossed for tomorrow. So long as it's not when I'm stood in the middle of the kids football training Basically in a big open space...
  2. I'll be amazed if it gets this far west. That said. I'm sat here in my front room and I can see it to the east. Just feels to cool here for it not to thin out as it slowly drifts across.
  3. ha - i was just looking at that too - animation on the radar looks like it's all pushing into that line with little ones appearing further north on that line!
  4. Look at the shape on that looking eastwards towards the storm.over Manchester.
  5. Some interesting clouds near me think theres an even bigger tower out of shot and hidden by clouds in front.
  6. fingers crossed for you today - was hoping it'd get to us yesterday, but it was all just a tad west and north.. but i reckon if it comes over you it'll come to me too
  7. already hit 24 degrees in the northwest, but i see hazy cloud inbound so it might kill off any further heating.. tomorrow is already looking exciting though we managed a couple of flashes yesterday and the odd rumble but it was all west and north of us in the end.
  8. Yeah dark here now too. Just waiting for it to kick off.
  9. haha - i just got that too - think it's all going to be west of me though, looking at the way all the existing storms have tracked.
  10. probably gonna carry on NW and do something over matlock or bakewell i'd guess -
  11. that's an interesting spot.. miles NW of the current active storms, but perhaps it gives some hope to anybody on the line between oxford and dumfries!
  12. lol - looks like the forecast area was unerringly accurate today - bottoms of that 60% blob was right near oxford coincidence much?!
  13. instabilty definitely arriving - sat in the car with the kids in stockport and the clouds are slowly developing. car also says it's 28 degrees outside..
  14. Saturday and Sunday are certainly looking interesting. Although looks like if anythings going to happen it'll be later on. What i'm not looking forward to is the stifling evenings between, but there usually a good sign that storms aren't far off
  15. yeah, it feels like it's going to be a big day, although i think i thought that yesterday and then it just never cleared for long enough to get the necessary energy into the system. definitely some big dark clouds floating around already this morning, but i'm underneath them all so not got any good pictures yet
  16. got excited for a second - definitely landed here in warrington, but up to now a single clap of thunder - a decent one, but just one...
  17. and this is tracking SW -> NE so hoping for some action mid afternoon perhaps with the sunshine between the current downpour and that warming things up a bit
  18. Hopefully you guys are getting what's bern through here twice today. Epic rain. Decent thunder. To bright to really see the lightning... school run in a storm wasnt the best mind...
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