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abruzzi spur

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Everything posted by abruzzi spur

  1. It's amazing that so many people on here are coming out now as experts on viruses and infection control and hence are so well placed to tell not only all 45 posters on this thread but our country and the whole world where we are going wrong. Presumably the Chief Medical Officer will be checking in here and taking some of the wisdom into account when devising the strategy. Seems to me the options are (1) trust and respect the world-renowned UK experts and get on with life, making sensible adjustments or (2) spend every waking moment in an end of days panic and winding people up on social media. I wonder if other 'special interest' websites have this level of hysteria? Or is it just something that appeals to weather nuts? Maybe it's universal and on homebakers.com or allotment-diggers.co.uk there are people no longer posting about the size of their buns or what they get up to in their potting sheds but instead are going on about whether pubs have soap and if lethally strong alcohol (not in gel but necked) will kill the virus before it kills the drinker. Funny old business.
  2. I've just ordered 40 packets of this via eBay. Best £4000 I've ever spent.
  3. Coronavirus: nine reasons to be reassured | World news | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Yes, Covid-19 is serious, but context is key and the world is well placed to deal with it
  4. One for the end of days merchants on here, a different view with some historical perspective..... https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/mar/06/coronavirus-hype-crisis-predictions-sars-swine-flu-panics
  5. Don't know, but it will certainty make the heart grow fonder.
  6. Anti bac stuff will work but it depends on its make up. That's why hand gels are effective provided they have an alcohol content of at least 60%. This destroys the coating on this particular virus. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2020/feb/28/hand-sanitiser-or-hand-washing-which-more-effective-against-coronavirus-covid-19
  7. What a deeply unpleasant point of view. One of the tests of any civilised and mature society is precisely how it respects and cares for the old and weak.
  8. UK Markets close at 4:30, so the numbers were issued well in advance of then.
  9. It's not a continual free fall. Here's this week so far on the FTSE100. Yes this is on the back of big losses the week before but even so I can't see any reason to suspend. Plenty of people (braver than me) are seeing this as a buying opportunity. Also for investors and those with pensions (ie nearly everyone) the stock market is a highly long term thing.
  10. Exploding is a new and hitherto unforeseen symptom. I suspect that a mask is unlikely to assist.
  11. This is a good article about the hugely impressive Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty. He was excellent at the press conference yesterday. A reassuring presence: Prof Chris Whitty: the expert we need in the coronavirus crisis | Society | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Even No 10 has realised the value of the ‘impressive’ chief medical officer for England
  12. How about doing something truly radical and making spitting by players a bookable offence.
  13. Yes it's a big surprise this forum isn't cited much more often by those amateurs at the World Health Authority and Public Health England.
  14. The seven things to panic-buy now before all the other b*stards get there WWW.THEDAILYMASH.CO.UK ALL those other selfish, panicking b*stards are going to strip the shelves of goods so get to the supermarket before they do. But what to buy?
  15. No he didn't. He said he'd visited a hospital that was treating patients with CV and had been shaking hands. At no stage did he say he'd shaken hands with those who were ill. I thought the press conference, and in particular the 2 experts, was impressive and I'm not predisposed to this government. Calm and considered with facts and perspective, and opinions when they were given were led by the science. Rather unlike quite a lot of this thread.....
  16. Is this part of the mooted cancellation of public gatherings of more than 5000? Maybe it's just a Surrey thing
  17. Alexis, you won't last long on this thread with that sort of rational common sense
  18. Are you not able to answer my points about 'likes'? Anyway, clearly off topic, I suspect that's at least partly my fault. Makes a change from end of the world stuff I guess.
  19. So does this mean that when you post something that you think deserves a 'like' and you get a 'like' this makes you feel vindicated? When you don't get a like do you wonder why not? If others post and don't get a 'like' then this means no-one likes them and makes you feel better about the 'likes' you've got? I'm increasingly of the view that social media really isn't for me.
  20. Blimey GW, and this is not a criticism of you personally, but if anything ever summed up social media..... do 'likes' provide validation? Who sits around counting their 'likes' and comparing to others', let alone judges others by the numbers? I could probably find a site that is populated by people that think this virus is a plague sent from God and get loads of likes by posting stuff that they will, you know, 'like'.
  21. The usual moaning on here where some are incapable of acknowledging something unless it's happened in their actual garden or, at worst, the next street. It baffles me why so many feel the need to do this 'non-event over hyped' garbage. It's often combined with faintly frothing rants at the Met Office, maybe because the Met Office is full of clever scientists who make their living through their talents. Unless, perish the thought, the critics are attention seeking
  22. Down in our flat in Brighton seafront. Wild here. Yesterday and today:
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