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Everything posted by Thunders

  1. i just hope that we can get these storms when it starts to get dark tho. even if they dont arrive when its dark, one storm is better than no storm
  2. Eagle Eye i hope the 'cap' is eroding now, should be able to get some nice storms then, whats the difference between surface and elevated storms btw, sorry i keep asking lol
  3. ChannelThunder on blitzortung, it shows that they had a few strikes, i wonder if those are genuine now as they could very well be correct
  4. these are bubbling away pretty well this is either an actual shower or contamination im guessing i dont know what are the pre frontals and what are actualy part of the front. more reds than a few runs ago on here now
  5. Idk if this Timelapse helps, looking south east towards the coast IMG_3926.mov
  6. Eagle Eye alright, thanks ima look out for those aswell then. i set up a quick timelapse
  7. i feel like this is gonna be a W for quite a few of us tbh. im bad at this weather stuffs aswell lol, what are accas? if cirrus are those thin wispy clouds that i often see in the summer then i did see a few of them earlier when i was in bexhill
  8. That tower built in about 2 mins, I'm guessing that it shows we have good enough instability.
  9. i have a camera but idk what settings to put it on to catch distant lightning at night its not a great camera. if you need to know its a canon EOS 400
  10. LIGHTNING ACTION I have Samsung phone then an iPad, I guess iPad would have to do? Trying to save my phones storage tbh Small shower to the east
  11. Idk if this was the right place to post this but is there a particular app you use for Timelapse?
  12. Thunderspotter why can’t we have that thing that’s off of the coast of florida, the amount of lightning on that thing is mad. It’ll be big enough to cover both of us lol
  13. I’m guessing that stuff moving north from france has no chance of electrifying.
  14. https://www.google.com/maps/@50.7791321,0.2553811,3a,75y,0.1h,96.63t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1suwxA2xEUKViGJW-ILm5d5Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu pretty stormy looking sky in June 2012
  15. B87 as long as it doesnt get that bad we have to have hosepipe bans again because im a bit fed up with those.
  16. It’s annoying this is gonna hit us whilst I’m at school. At least this is early season so shouldn’t be too extreme and I won’t miss out on too much.
  17. LightningLover hopefully this actually happens. If it’s that far out tho, anything could happen
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