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Everything posted by SunnyG

  1. The mid range forecasts did not predict a heatwave. I read them during the clag period and they all agreed it would become cool and unsettled in the SE by mid-month. Not one of them mentioned very high temps.
  2. That was a poor excuse for a thunderstorm. I was caught in it (carrying a large wooden box of all things) and I didn't even get my espadrilles soaked.
  3. I spent yesterday afternoon cooking and felt great in the evening: tired, but good tired, not exhausted at all. I had a change of diet and lifestyle a few years ago and that changed the way my body reacts to extreme weather (among other things). Diets high in sugar make you more prone to sweating and more drained by heat. Here endeth the lesson ha ha
  4. I used to get into fights at my former workplace because the instant we hit 20C they'd have the AC on. Madness. Also very bad for the environment.
  5. Middle of the afternoon is when Southern Europeans have a siesta
  6. Maybe it's the transition from la nina to el nino, but weather's been 50 shades of crazy.... Am I alone in that I never need AC and thrive when it's scorching? I am not talking mood only, but physically too? Maybe it's the vitamin D, but I always feel energised when it's sunny and hot.
  7. This is mad! In North London not a drop of rain. This year's weather is crazy.
  8. This is my sort of weather and my kind of temps. Bring it on, high pressure, I'm loving it!!!!
  9. What I got from this forecast is that the place to be this summer is not Spain but Sweden lmao
  10. I hate rain in every shape and form too
  11. Looking forward to gloating when we get the sun and you get the cloud....
  12. I often hear older people talk about how great the summer of 1976 was, with sunshine pretty much non-stop from April to the end of August. It's interesting that despite climate change that miracle has never been repeated.
  13. I agree. I remember going to work wearing winter clothes.
  14. Looks like we are being invaded by Dementors, which in a way we are, since this clag is sucking all the joy out of summer lmao
  15. I have just had a conversation with a friend, also in London, who likes this weather and thinks it's great. Words failed me.
  16. I would like to have some of what the BBC forecaster are smoking lmao sunny and a gentle breeze according to those jokers. Honestly, I hope they are doing this as a hobby and not their main job.
  17. I love that climate so-called experts insisted this year would be super-hot in Europe lol it's not even hot where it's usually hot.
  18. Want some of ours? We have plenty to give... It's days like this that make me loathe this country. Honestly, what is the point of high pressure if we have to be enveloped in greyness?????
  19. I am working from home in my conservatory and I'm eyeing the hot water bottle with a wistful eye...
  20. I think this may well be the worst clag day yet in London. It doesn't look anywhere near clearing and when it does, it's forecast to be cloudy and cool. I am so beyond fed up with this sh*te.
  21. And yet the BBC website, which during the week is updated regularly, had a) sunny intervals for London this AM and b) sunny this PM, which is definitely not a) happened and b) likely.
  22. This is Britain. The likelihood of the whole country enjoying fair weather all summer is around 0% lol
  23. According to the Met app, the muck will shift West from Friday: let's hope they are right this time...
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