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Everything posted by tricol

  1. Hoping the rain holds off, I'm off out on another bike ride tonight and would like to stay dry. It's a nice day, it does feel warm at last. Not always bright though, plenty of cloud about.
  2. Yea, very blustery here. Bright enough here for now. Few more showers appearing in the forecast now over the coming days, but early signs of a half decent bank holiday weekend coming up.
  3. I'm not feeling much of a jump in temps this morning, but I think we will all feel a difference tomorrow! Finally some warmth is arriving. Nice and bright this morning.
  4. I mean, it could be worse, it could be battering down all day. Light rain on the dog walk this morning, but hat and gloves on. They're usually collecting dust already at this time of year.
  5. It's been a picture perfect spring day, and even better knowing there is no immediate rain on the horizon.
  6. This high pressure then..... It's all a cruel joke. Raining here, cold, miserable. I didn't think 2024 could be worse than 2023 but so far it's shaping up to be.
  7. And the rain is here. At least it doesn't look too heavy at the moment. Seems this band of it has arrived a bit early.
  8. Yea, it's tracking right over us from the north. Temps really take a dive when these fronts arrive. Our garden is now 3/4 under water, it slowly grows after every heavy rainfall. We've ended up with a garden that we probably can't work on this year unfortunately.
  9. How, have they missed this much rain in the forecast? Absolutely throwing it down here and looks set to carry on all afternoon. Just been to Ashbourne for a meeting and it was really nice there until I was heading back through Leek. Almost biblical rainfall.
  10. The squall line that came through at 6am this morning set off a few car alarms. It's been a brutal day, had to go to Leeds this morning. Snowed just as I was leaving on the M621, temps down to 3 deg in the car. Been a proper battering of April showers, eh?
  11. Looks like I was right. Rain now forecast for most of the day and is creeping into tomorrow. Early next week looks like January. This weather would put you into an early grave.
  12. Was nice a few hours, but nothing noteworthy. Now raining and looks set to rain for a few hours. I'd bet the ranch that this weekend will become much wetter than forecast.
  13. Is this the light at the end of the tunnel.....Nice and bright this morning, but a touch chilly. Let's hope for a dry few days, we all need it.
  14. That's what many people don't see or consider. It's been an awful winter and spring so far for farmers. We then turn to imports, and prices going up. As above, we can't even stand in our garden let alone even cut the grass. With another headline in the news of the 10th hottest month again, we're well beyond the turning point now. Let's hope the demise of the El Nino system cools things down a bit.
  15. Had Worse Just off Ripponden Road. Rain is really coming down now. Our garden at home is now completely under water, and to be honest it's been like this since December. The builder is coming to look at it in a couple of weeks, many houses on the estate are suffering from waterlogging. I'm not confident of getting a resolution from them, so might have to sort out our own proper drainage this summer.
  16. A horrid day. Up to our office in Oldham. It feels like winter up here, 6deg, windy, and heavy rain.
  17. Yesterday turned out to be wetter than forecast - shocker. Car needed washed, just did it anyway. Wet this morning, light rain but clearing. The dog is starting to give me dirty looks now, I think even he is tired of it all. Tomorrow looks grim, then maybe a couple of settled days and the rain back at the weekend.
  18. On Saturday morning the forecast said some moderate showers passing through overnight. Well, as usual these days it was much worse. The squall line that passed through last night about 9pm was unlike anything I've seen before. For 5 minutes it was crazy. It passed, and then it was steady rain until at 7am this morning it was chucking it down again. Only now has the sun poked through. Outdoor plans scuppered again. I'll be honest, just based on my gut feeling, this is a permanent change.
  19. Yea it woke me in the early hours. Rinse and repeat. Seems to be brightening up, but some small showers knocking about. I hope the mild temps and wind will help dry the ground a bit.
  20. Yip, groundhog day again. Heavy rain over night and then light drizzle walking the dog this morning. It's trying to brighten up, but more rain is on the way. That will be more of a reflection on them than the weather. Their infrastructure tends to leak at the seams quite badly.
  21. I've become used to the weather now, I'm never shocked when the ground is wet most mornings. The cloud is breaking up here and at least the temps are decent. Be interesting to see how the wind progresses into the weekend.
  22. Touch of fog here, not too cold, but nice and calm. Still very wet under foot. Mixed week coming up, but at least temps are on the up.
  23. Really coming down now and seems like it is growing on the radar. I don't think there is an end in sight, I think this will be it now. Just rain with the occasional moments of sunshine. I've never known a period of rain like it from pretty much last July.
  24. Yip, just arrived on the shores of Congleton. Very much a sleet/rain front. Grim. Guess I'll be driving to the pub for dinner now.
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