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Everything posted by coldfingers

  1. Hmmmmm, 2 quakes in 3 seconds in Katla volcano in Iceland and one in the nearby Tindfjallajokull volcano. A large 3.2 one in Katla and only 2.9km deep. Interesting, she hasn't gone back to sleep just yet.
  2. Yes to the last sentence. We did experience full hurricane conditions down here on the south coast during the '78 storm. A small area, from the I.O.W to Worthing (including Bognor) did experience 90mph sustained winds for at least a minute that night. Anyone who lived here that night and experienced the aftermath will back me up on that. To see an entire forest flattened and numerous trees snapped off halfway up their trunks due to hurricanes spawned within the storm you would never doubt the sustained wind speeds during that time. It makes me tired to hear people try to downgrade the severity of that storm when they were far from the affected areas. Cross Channel ferries were stranded on beaches for goodness sake, didn't see that in this 'hurricane' also sadly far more people were killed and injured during the '78 storm and many more would have been killed if we hadn't been so fortunate that it struck during the early hours of the morning. And ITN reports of that night.
  3. Just makes me laugh when the governer of Conneticut just said, "We are still being impacted with gusts of wind up to 40 mph." Gusts? 40mph? lol, hide under the bed time. Tell that to the Islanders in the north of Scotland, they will die laughing. And before I get shouted down I do realise this had the potential to be deadly and they were right to take precautions but I do wish they would admit it wasn't as bad as could have been.
  4. Hope all goes well for you Tom, it is a pain when you are waiting for flights!
  5. At the moment this is looking like the worst is past. We had worse winds in Bognor during the '87 storm and far worse damage....... so far anyway for today. Only the storm surge tonight is likely to be a major problem for some areas.
  6. Very many thanks for that link, I have been looking for a live broadcast.
  7. Yes i reckon the Australians had the correct idea when they wont allow the emergency services out for a few hours at the worst peak. Why should the poor people who man the services risk their own lives because of other idiots. Heavilly pregnant women and very sick people are of course evacuated previously to a safe place. Sad how many firemen died in the '87 storm in the South many years ago, that however had no forecast at all so the emergency service were true heros to even get out to attempt to help people..
  8. Thank you PB, She is quite an elderly lady and very prone to worrying so i did tell her that brick buildings aren't going to blow away and he is a sensible and very clever fellow so i am sure he and his family will be fine. They have loads of friends they can move in with for a few days if necesary so i am sure all will be well. I just hoped I could reassure her more than that but it looks like it will hit the area although I personally doubt it will be devastating winds by then but certainly the storm surge will likely be bad. So here is hoping everyone there takes heed of any warnings and acts safely. there are always a few dopes who put themselves in danger though. Oh also it would be hard for her to phone as the hospital wont allow mobiles and of course to use their phones would cost a fortune. her daughter I am sure will keep in touch with her son and reassure her mother. I have never seen a hurricane cover such a large area apart from Katrina and never such a long way north.
  9. Hi Polar Bear as I see you are on. I am watching this now as a friend who is in hospital is very worried about her grandson who lives just outside NYC. I was hoping to be able to reassure her there is no worry but not so sure now if they are evacuating areas of NY. Will have to keep checking for her I guess.
  10. Wel I have finally had a shower heavy enough to properly wet the ground, not just dampen it. WOW what a lovely storm!
  11. Couldn't sleep so came back on. CHIMET showing a wind of F5 gusting F6, quite an increase from F3 just over an hour ago. Just had very light showers here though.
  12. Well it looks like I am going to fall between two stools so I am off to bed.
  13. Sea Temp here on the coast is 18.6C a couple of degrees warmer than the air temp of 16.6C. Would that make a difference? I am clutching at straws here. LOL.
  14. Still pushing north in my view. http://www.isleofwightweather.co.uk/live_storm_data.htm
  15. http://www.isleofwightweather.co.uk/live_storm_data.htm This site appears to show it IS moving out into the Channel. Am I viewing it wrongly?
  16. Starting to look really good now as the rainfall radar shows that the rainfall isn't decreasing as it hits the Channel. Looking good for the lightn ing too. many thanks for being the Look Out SnowMania.
  17. Sooo sorry for you, but I guess not sorry enough to spoil my enjoyment if we do get anything and it is starting to look increasingly likely. Woohoo!
  18. TX SnowMania, Looking increasingly good, now we just have to hope it keeps it's strength as it looks like we will get a good hit from this.
  19. Aaargh! Still as long as I get plenty of rain I will be (relatively) happy but if it starts to dissipate I will be very unhappy indeed.
  20. Sounds like you are up on the hill at Havant then.Lucky you! Every time I have been along that hill I have always envied people their view. Hoping you see something special tonight SnowMania.
  21. I would guess at an hour and a half. If the strike rate continues as it is over france it could be a good night for you. Here's hoping.
  22. Go for it! I don't think it can miss there now! Getting excited it will even reach Bognor.
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