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Posts posted by coldfingers

  1. NYC likely experienced sustained hurricane-force winds before the eye made landfall. In fact, the NHC wind swath supports this assertion:


    Has there been storm surge and over seven inches of rainfall in Scotland today? Has anyone actually experienced 90mph winds sustained for at least a full minute in this country?

    Yes to the last sentence. We did experience full hurricane conditions down here on the south coast during the '78 storm. A small area, from the I.O.W to Worthing (including Bognor) did experience 90mph sustained winds for at least a minute that night. Anyone who lived here that night and experienced the aftermath will back me up on that. To see an entire forest flattened and numerous trees snapped off halfway up their trunks due to hurricanes spawned within the storm you would never doubt the sustained wind speeds during that time. It makes me tired to hear people try to downgrade the severity of that storm when they were far from the affected areas. Cross Channel ferries were stranded on beaches for goodness sake, didn't see that in this 'hurricane' also sadly far more people were killed and injured during the '78 storm and many more would have been killed if we hadn't been so fortunate that it struck during the early hours of the morning.

    And ITN reports of that night.

  2. Just makes me laugh when the governer of Conneticut just said, "We are still being impacted with gusts of wind up to 40 mph." Gusts? 40mph? lol, hide under the bed time. Tell that to the Islanders in the north of Scotland, they will die laughing.

    And before I get shouted down I do realise this had the potential to be deadly and they were right to take precautions but I do wish they would admit it wasn't as bad as could have been.

  3. My B*M is safe and so is Burtons window

    As expected my flight into New york planned for tomorrow has been cancelled and I am sat in a hotel at Manchester airport and have been given a few potential dates to fly. The latest possibilty is Monday and so will keep fingers crossed that the flight goes and our destination is not under water.


    Hope all goes well for you Tom, it is a pain when you are waiting for flights!

  4. breaks my heart when I thnk of an elderly lady worrying like that.

    poor thing.

    yes agreed there are always some that are cowboys and want to riiiide it out...putting others of course at further risks. donuts.

    Yes i reckon the Australians had the correct idea when they wont allow the emergency services out for a few hours at the worst peak. Why should the poor people who man the services risk their own lives because of other idiots. Heavilly pregnant women and very sick people are of course evacuated previously to a safe place.

    Sad how many firemen died in the '87 storm in the South many years ago, that however had no forecast at all so the emergency service were true heros to even get out to attempt to help people..

  5. Hey CF

    Good to cyber see you. Sorry about your friend bet she is worried sick. If you read some of the posts above then there is a feeling that the media is sensationalising a little and if she sees the news she may fear the worst. However they are evacuating the low lying and beach frontage area zones and it is well organised. Do you know where in NY he is?

    They wont be evacuating all and NYC as you know is quite large. It is more the flooding of parts I believe which they think will be the main issue. I am sure though her grandson is taking heed of all warnings and the US officials are doing all they can to prepare.

    From the meteriological side of things purely she is quite a phenomena. I still cant get over her size. There has been some feeling that she had weakened a little but could now be reoganising to be a consistent cat 2 possibly 3. Good advice from all on here. See what the next public advisory at 10am says.

    Wishing your friend's grandson a safe and happy weekend.

    Polar Bear

    If she is worried can she call her grandson to get some reassurance from him?

    Thank you PB, She is quite an elderly lady and very prone to worrying so i did tell her that brick buildings aren't going to blow away and he is a sensible and very clever fellow so i am sure he and his family will be fine. They have loads of friends they can move in with for a few days if necesary so i am sure all will be well. I just hoped I could reassure her more than that but it looks like it will hit the area although I personally doubt it will be devastating winds by then but certainly the storm surge will likely be bad. So here is hoping everyone there takes heed of any warnings and acts safely. there are always a few dopes who put themselves in danger though.

    Oh also it would be hard for her to phone as the hospital wont allow mobiles and of course to use their phones would cost a fortune. her daughter I am sure will keep in touch with her son and reassure her mother.

    I have never seen a hurricane cover such a large area apart from Katrina and never such a long way north.

  6. It is moving into the channel but the main centre of lightning activity is staying near the french coast with new cells erupting further south and east...I think Estofex have got this one right so far, but I'm quietly confident that once the MCS makes landfall it will reinvigorate as nocturnal cooling takes effect completing the transformation into elevated thunderstorms (my understanding is that the MCS is surface based, so once it hits cold water, convection is weakened as the surface heat source is lost, however warm moist air is still being advected NE into the MCS, and as cloud tops continue to cool, a sharp temperature gradient is generated between the warm mid-level air and cold upper air thus regenerating mid-level convection.....I think!)

    Sea Temp here on the coast is 18.6C a couple of degrees warmer than the air temp of 16.6C. Would that make a difference? I am clutching at straws here. LOL.

  7. I'm not seeing that Paul...at least not on lightning activity...Sferics are on the wane somewhat the past 30 mins or so as the storm cores are trying to hug the french coast, however PPN is definitely increasing as the MCS tries to cross the channel.....Interestingly though Strikestar is to believed, then sferic detection is on the increase running along a line of convective PPN pushing into Devon/Dorset...The reason I say 'if strikestar is to be believed' is because it looks like it picking up sperious detections over Shropshire & the welsh borders


    This site appears to show it IS moving out into the Channel. Am I viewing it wrongly?

  8. Well it's just my bl***y look isn't it, spend the weekend in Chichester and on the eve that I come back they are in the moderate zone for tonights plume. But hey I'm used to it now, the potential is what excites me not what actually happens hahaha, but good luck to you all tonight, from a very demoralised Staffordshire biggrin.png

    Sooo sorry for you, but I guess not sorry enough to spoil my enjoyment if we do get anything and it is starting to look increasingly likely. Woohoo!

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