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Summer of 95

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Everything posted by Summer of 95

  1. Fog is still struggling to lift here, Sun is very hazy... I've been wondering, is this persistent fog/murk due to the wet winter? The ground is still very waterlogged, roads have dried but there is still standing water on the fields. Is all this moisture saturating the air and causing fog and mist to form, despite the high pressure and dry airmass? It's particularly notable that the areas that were wettest compared to average (south, Midlands, east Wales) have been getting the worst of this murk while the north of England, which wasn't so wet, is avoiding a lot of it. It isn't North Sea Muck either, it's been forming over land and the east coast is missing a lot of it. So is the wet winter spoiling what should be a clear, warm, sunny setup?
  2. Sun has been shining very hazily for a couple of hours, but the sky is certainly not blue. Unbelievably stubborn considering it was shallow fog and it's March.
  3. Same here, the brightness has gone! Also there is an unbelievable amount of moisture in the air considering we're supposed to be under high pressure in dry air: the grass is soaked and you can see droplets swirling around.
  4. Hints of brightness coming through, but still very foggy. This is proper fog, yesterday's stuff was just murk.
  5. Still really foggy, but no frost (been notably lacking during this spell). Visibility 150m or so, temp 2C
  6. Only 9pm and its already gone proper foggy- can only see about 200m horizontally, but its very shallow and I can still see the moon. If it stays like this is should burn off in the sun quickly, but its a long time till dawn....
  7. Realistically I think this is possible at our latitude: May Mean max 21 Mean temp 13 Mean min 5 Highest max 28 Lowest min -1 Rain 50mm Rain days 2 Thunder 2 Air frost 1 Sun 330hrs, max daily 16hr, no sunless days June Mean max 24 Mean temp 17 Mean min 10 Highest max 32 Lowest min 4 Rain 15mm Rain days 1 Thunder 1 Sun 360hrs max daily 16.5 hrs no sunless days July Mean max 27 Mean temp 19 Mean min 11 Highest max 34 Lowest min 7 Rain 10mm Rain days 1 Thunder 1 Sun 340hrs max daily 16hrs no sunless days August Mean max 26 Mean temp 19 Mean min 12 Highest max 33 Lowest min 6 Rain 15mm Rain days 1 Thunder 1 Sun 320hrs, max daily 15hr, no sunless days
  8. One overhead storm last year, and two very brief snowfalls so not quite :lol: Never actually seen thundersnow- but the sun is a must. Especially in summer.
  9. 333 days of Sun, thirty-one of raging blizzards and one of thunderstorms, that'll do me for variety :-) Lovely here now albeit temp is really struggling as the sun was already on its way down when it came out, but as of 1600 the grot still hasn't cleared around Hereford/Monmouth area.
  10. Any other words to describe murk that somehow turns up in the middle of a 1035mb high, in dry air and miles from the sea, then persists for 8 hours after the sun comes up? :lol: 3 hours of daylight left now, too little too late for real warmth, please grot stay away tonight!
  11. Finally clear and sunny but still very hazy. Satpic watch- what the hell is this muck playing at, burning back to the Welsh border instead of the North Sea coast? WRONG WAY, you stupid pathetic grot!!! :lol:
  12. Blue sky making an appearance, come on Sun you can do it!!! Even if you are 5 hours late.....
  13. Sun finally coming out here Yesterday's muck was much thicker, it was proper cloud rather than just murk, and it was gone by 11am????? Why can't we ever get an anticyclonic spell without muck these days, it's a pest in winter, spring, summer alike.
  14. Not really foggy here, just grey muck with visibility about 1000m. Most of Wales showing clear, hopefully not long...
  15. Lovely day again, muck moved in from somewhere overnight but had started to clear by 9 and was gone by 11. Not like the stuff we get in summer which might do one at 3pm if we're lucky :lol: Put washing out for first time in months, fingers crossed......
  16. What a gorgeous day- 17.5C and cloudless. Been outside for 4 hours in shorts and not felt cold at all. Even been seeing butterflies! We have been really lucky looking at the satellite, nuisance cloud as close as Chester/Merseyside/Manchester area. Phew.....
  17. Lovely morning so far, already feeling warm. But satpic shows muck over Wales/Lancs that is terrifyingly close, really hope it doesn't come over here.
  18. Not gloriously sunny here, trying very hard to come out but there is a load of thick high grot as well above the stratomurk. Only a few patches of blue.
  19. Occasional glimpses of brightness here, but 95% cloud cover- and there's another mass of muck out to the west on the satellite. While France is beautifully clear- what is causing Britain to get all this rubbish? I watched the satellite yesterday, this mass of cloud encroached from west of Ireland yet there was no frontal, convective activity or even depressions nearby. Just a huge mass of muck.
  20. Hi guys, that star near the Moon was Aldebaran. Capella is way off the ecliptic and can never be that close to it- Aldebaran is a bit fainter than Capella but it's still first magnitude. Easy way to check is to find Orion- following the line of the belt up and to the right leads more or less to Aldebaran. Also to double check you should see the Pleiades just to the right of it. Aldebaran and Betelgeuse (top left star of Orion) set at roughly the same time while Capella doesn't set at all. The first-magnitude stars that can be near the Moon: Aldebaran, Pollux, Regulus, Spica, Antares
  21. No chance of nearing 20C this weekend if that mass of cloud encroaching from the west doesn't clear off. Its been lurking on the satpics all day and is storming us overnight..... Maybe next week if the charts come off and nuisance cloud stays away, but I think 17-18 is more likely. Still good for early March though.
  22. Been a beautiful day, currently 13C but feels like 16-17 in the sun. It was horrible first thing this morning too.
  23. Bloody hell... 25 quid on the lottery last night and now this
  24. I've known air frosts here followed by temps in the mid-teens, but always between March and May. April 2007 had a few, as did mid May 2005. But the biggest diurnal ranges I've seen was during the air traffic shutdown of April 2010. One day had a min of -4 and a max of 14.5, and there were -1s and 2s followed by 12-16 maxima. That spell had the clearest skies I've ever seen.... For some reason autumn never seems to produce these ranges, at least not these days. Octobers 1992 and 1993 had quite a few frosts followed by sunny mild days.
  25. If it was only as bright as airglow, nobody would have seen it. Airglow needs a Bortle 1 or 2 sky to see which nowhere in the UK has. Looking at the aurora reports, there is a very noticeable "hole" over the N and E Midlands into southern parts of Lancs and Yorks: it was reported at Preston, Cambridgeshire and Hereford but nowhere in between. I have never seen anywhere in Britain zodiacal light, airglow or gegenschein, and have never seen M33 without binoculars.
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