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Everything posted by Rich_T

  1. east midlands airport runway closed for.de icing, should be open again Soon.
  2. And this weekend, i may be camping - yes camping in a tent, whats the chance of snow in the peak district, an leek/stoke area?
  3. getting darker in Burton, bloke next to where i am says the rain will miss here
  4. Looks like there could be a warm up next week, then the possibility of some more cold after that. Ive bought a lottery ticket, so if I win, I could quit my job and enjoy next weeks snow.
  5. from all the met office warnings it sounded like we would see some heavy snow, in reality there was nothing. The snow last weekend failed to do anything signifficant, despite warnings form the met office to the contrary, and last years snow event only left a small covering. Are the met office aware of the story about the boy who cried wolf? when i hear other people saying theres a weather warning, the typical coment is that its all a load of rubbish, as the bad weather either never somes or is no way near as bad as they are making it out to be.
  6. is that it? looks like the weather warnings were a waste of time, as the snowfall total depths from tonights severe weather is zero ( so far)
  7. Still nothing here, what time is the snow due, im just South of Derby?
  8. im not far from Ashby, what time is this snowstorm supposed to hit?
  9. Whats are the chances of this turning to rain, or thawing away in the enxt few days?
  10. Just seen the latest BBC news 24 forecast, and is it nme or did it look like a snow to rain event?
  11. looks like the airport weather forcasts are now showing a 30% chance of light snow from 11am and heavy snow from 6pm Birmingham airport http://en.allmetsat.com/metar-taf/united-kingdom-ireland.php?icao=EGBB East midlands airport http://en.allmetsat.com/metar-taf/united-kingdom-ireland.php?icao=EGNX
  12. dont forget all the anguished wailing as the snow completly misses, and everyone else appears to be reporting record depths.
  13. Im planning on doin g some driving around th Burton upon trent/Derby/Sheffield and possibly nottingham) area on Saturday, its not essentail that its done this week, would it be wise to delay my journey until next week?
  14. Theres been plenty of talk about Katla, but i haven't been able to find out just what a katla eruption would mean. Would we see more flight problems, similar to those we saw last month, or would it be something more serious? what effect would it have on us?
  15. No flight times? under normal operations what are those, the airport under whose flight path/glide path that I live under has no such night time flight or noise restrictions and aircraft operate at all hours. It usualy gets busy from 11:00pm with plenty of stuff coming in at every hour/minute throughout the night.
  16. Are the forecasts based on computer models and theory, or have they got something that can physically measure whats up there, its density ( ie weight) and where the winds are pushing it?
  17. Its certainly been much quieter at East midlands airport, although there has been some light/small aircraft activity. As for the safety issue, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see airlines criticising the air traffic control agencies if this continues, and then threes the possibility of staff lay off's at the airlines. As for getting back from Frankfurt, train/public transport to a ferry terminal, such as Amsterdam ( for the Newcastle/harwich ferry ) Belgium for the ostend ferry or any of the channel ports further along. Going the other way you could try Denmark/esjberg then there's Eurostar from Belguim if you can get a place. there used to be a ferry from Germany to the UK, but like the Norway ferry it stopped because of competition from the air, with the bilbao ferry service cancelled and due to stop soon it looks like our travel options are being severely cut back, maybe its time to invest more in terrestial travel instead of air transport with all its restrictions on baggage and other such stuff.
  18. Its more like sleety snow where i am, there's a bit on the grass, but nothing on the roads or pavements, nothing more than a slushy sleety mess.
  19. Today when i awoke the snow had been reduced to a few clumps amongst the grass, and a translucent pie crust of ice elsehwere. However not long after i had set off for work some fine ice /snow crystals started falling form the sky, this continued throughout most of the day, and has left a covering of just over 1CM ontop of the half thawed stuff mentioned at the start of this post. the result are some incredibly slippery roads and pavements. One thing that this cold spell hasnt delivered is some deep snow, just a few light dustings giving no more than 1 inch ( 2.5cm) In most years this would be a good covering, especialy when taking into account the logevity, it hasnt been the usual heavy snow turning to rain scenario that were so used to. So what next? all the foracsts are saying milder, theres not a huge amount of snow on the ground, so the snow wont last long, then its back to almost normal temperatures for a bit. After that who knows? its still early in the winter, and alot can still happen, maybe, just maybe we might see a deep covering of snow .
  20. No signs of any snow here, and what remains on the ground is nothing but a slushy mess.
  21. The 'Great thaw' is well uinder way in my area, after all the snow had done its worse there was a covering of one whole inch, or just under 2.5cm after Sundays sleety rain, and the bit of wet snow/sleet overnight from Sunday into Monday ( today ) has kept the thaw going. The 2cms deep snow is now down to the last few 1cm and less in places, on the roads and pavements its left a slushy mess,a nd footpaths have become a slippery muddy mess. If the thaw picks up and depletes the snow cover further then theres a real risk of some deep puddles in places, and soggy cold feet if your out walking through the remnants of the slush.
  22. It sa shame that we havent had a large snowfall out of this cold spell, but its still early in the winter, and things can change. At the moment the snow that was ontop of greenhouse roofs for most of last week is slowly sliding off, the 1 inch of patchy snow that has been lying amongst the grass is thawing, ive had a few scattered snow showers, but theres a definite element of sleetyness in there, and its refusing to settle or to prevent the slow thaw. One thing is for sure though, im getting a bit fed up of the media coverage and hype over this weather, ive just seen on the news something about diverting road grit/salt that was destined to go to Germany to the UK, which was probably the real deatth knell for the current cold spell. So for this week im expecting a slow/ gradual thaw, although there are signs that things may turn colder again towards the end of the week/nextweekend and i asume with that comes the chance of snow ( if it makes it to this part of the world) This week appeared to promise so much, but delivered very little.
  23. Snow cover before new years, Zero. Current snow cover, just under an inch, or 22mm. is that it for the snow?, ive heard talk of a milder breakdown in the middle of next week with warm/mild stuff coming in from the south west ( souds like a return the usual winter. Local road conditions: mostly clear, although some minor roads have got a veneer of compacted snow and ice.
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