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Blog Entries posted by Coopsy

  1. Coopsy
    Funny how when life is happening as you want it to, everything goes past in a whirl. The minute things dont go the way you want them to, or you are waiting for things to happen, life is soooo slow
  2. Coopsy
    Wow, major shock, got offered a promotion at work, they have given me 24 hours to think about it. I currently work as an Account Manager doing loans, mortgages investments etc. The new position is a senior account manager for personal and business. It means a pay rise obviously but the main thing is I cna move anywhere in the country and my move is paid for, my house is subsidized. If I buy ahouse and the price falls, the bank guarantees the price I paid.

    So why arent I jumping at it? What do you do? You love the job your in and you are comfortable and do you make a move to a job that primarily deals with businesses, something that I am not interested in at work (I am in my private life though)

    Lots of thinking to do, plus I would be taking over from someone who last year won a cruise as he was top performer in the province...big shoes to follow
  3. Coopsy
    Went golfing at the weekend and on the way back we saw a small black bear cub get hit by a truck. Such a sad sight as it was killed but it was so small.

    Had far to much to drink, played guitar hero ont he Wii and I realised my co-ordination after 8 beers isnt great lol

    Not much to report this week so far, weathers till good, sunny and warm, still running. thats it for now
  4. Coopsy
    I am gonna try and keep a daily journal of life here in sleepy Canmore...not much happens so it could be short

    Today I have mostly eaten a few crackers, seen a few people about investments and watched the thunderclouds coming over.

    Later its off for a 10km run....I have a 10km race on September 7th so just trying to get into some sort of shape for that so I dont get beaten by an 82 year old and embarrass myself

    I am in the process of trying to sell a house and as with the markets around the world it aint happening, too many on the market and not enough people buying, I'll keep you posted about that.

    Also all immigration papers are off for permanent residency, so hopefully soon I'll be able to report back on that. Maybe in reflection it wont be so quiet
  5. Coopsy
    Right, I am off to fly with BA to Heathrow today for a 2 week 'holiday' in England. Luckily its terminal 4 and luckily its no longer snowing, fingers crossed I will on home turf in 12 hours
  6. Coopsy
    So I have recently listed my downtown condo for sale here in Canmore (check out www.mls.ca and put in mls listing number C3310936. If anyone wants a vacation investment property, this would be ideal lol)
    Anyway my realtor hadnt bought anyone through the door in over 2 weeks, then I see her picture in the paper and realise why...she only got 2nd place in Canmore Idol (A small town event not too disimlar to American Idol) So instead of actively selling my palce she had been rehearsing for this. Oh well, maybe with her wiings she might give up her commission fee, or maybe not....
    Ayway on a serious note, for 250,000 pounds, if you fancy an investment that can get you 5% return on long term rental of 7% based on holiday rental of 50% occupancy or 14% based on 100%, let me know
  7. Coopsy
    Whats fair in life? My friend has just died of breast cancer at aged 28. I had known her since age 8. I have found this very difficult to comprehend. She lived her life so clean, wasnt a drinker, wasnt a smoker, ate healthily, no record of it in her family. Just a bit shocked right now
  8. Coopsy
    You might remember me saying about a crazy lady last year that wanted to have lunch with me because she used to live in the same home town as me. Well she is back. She came into the Bank about 3 weeks ago and some how she knew I was going to England. I guess its a small town
    Anyway, I smiled politely and said 'yes crazy lady, thats correct'. So she promptly pulled out a big parcel from her bag and asked if I could drop it off to her friends, who live in my home town. Being the professional I am I reluctantly agreed, stating that if I could fit it in I would.
    Then I got thinking; drugs? small child? I could be partaking in some illegal activites, and not the usual ones I do at the weekend. So I open the bag at home on the day I leave to check....whats in it? Tonnes and tonnes of religious stuff like pictures of Jesus and all that stuff.
    Now as you know I am not a religious man but nonetheless I did my bit and when I got to England I knocked on the door......well, barking mad or what, sandals, long hair, chains around their necks, and that was just the dogs. I couldnt get out of there quick enough, not before they tried converting me to Christianity...
    Anyway, I get to my point...she hasnt come back in to say thanks.....how rude. Jesus, I did her a favour!
  9. Coopsy
    I dont understand my Dad's mentality. He had a heart attack late last year, had an opertaion and they said he would ok provided he eats healthily and give up the fags. What haas he done? he drinks everyday and smokes more than ever...he doesnt seem to care. Do you think he has got to the point where he reaalises he is mortal and is going to enjoy life to the full? He doesnt talk to anyone so have no idea what is going on in his mind???
    I need a good method of de-stressing. I am looking at selling my downtown apartment, and will probably be moving in the new year, that means I need someone to rent my other house as I plan to come back eventually, its stressful. I am gonna be building a house in creston, bc to flip and moving to Nelson, BC to set up a business, so over the next 6 months to probably 5 years I will be going grey and balding lol.
    So if anyone is interested in buying a holiday home that nets a nice income from rental, 1000 sq feet, 2 bed, 2 bath that backs onto the creek and is 1 minute from downtown give me a PM (lol - I can but try)
    I think a nice chinese or indian will do the trick, followed by a fair few Stella's
  10. Coopsy
    I can honestly say that yesterday was the worst driving conditions I had ever encountered. I left my house with no snow on the ground and some sunshine. I travelled about 30 minutes up the road and suddenly day turns into night, I cant see 5 feet in front of me. The highway wasnt visible and you couldnt even make out the sides, the central reservation, even the trees at the side of the road where invisible. It was a complete whiteout. Yet still the cars kept moving, only at 5 mph, but moving nonetheless.
    Luckily for me I had a lorry in front of me that I could just make out so just followed that. Anyway, I got back to my house...and nothing. It was a strange day weather wise to say the least
    Just thought I would share that with you
  11. Coopsy
    So I call a client today and she is super rude for no reason. I dont care, its all water of a ducks back, plus I believe in Karma. Any how I helped her out, she thanked and became super nice and asked me where I am from. I told her and she said she lived in the same town as me a few years ago. She is Canadian. I was shocked she was shocked but we talked about the town and true enough, she must have lived there cos she knew all about it. So just as I am about to hang up she tells me I am going to lunch with her next week, she will come into the Branch and ask for me by name and treat me to lunch. Great I thought
    Anyway, this lady is about 60 and seems very sweet (when she was being nice) so told my Colleagues. They laughed and told me that it was crazy woman Cherry. She was apparantly hit by a car and needed brain surgery. They said that she swings from angry insane to super friendly.
    Now do i go to lunch with her as I am a professional, or make my excuses. I think my colleagues are being harsh but then again I dont want to be tucking into my steak for her to turn round and not like the way I am chewing and stab m in the eye with a fork...tricky situation*
    *This is a light hearted recital of a true event and I am in no way mocking the mentally challenged. I, for one, am indeed one of those people anyway
  12. Coopsy
    Ok, so I am not one to wear my heart on my sleeve, but after having a few drinks, I thought bettter out than in
    Its been a tough year, my mum was in hospital this year and it was touch and go for a while, she ended up there for 6 weeks, though she is now on the mend, thank God, albeit with lots of drugs to regulate her condition.
    My dad had a heart attack and was in hopsital for about a month, but luckily he got an operation quick and now he is on the mend
    Now, my Grandad is hopsital and has been diagnosed with terminal cancer of the pancreas. I have know this for a few months and made my peace with him when I was in England last month, but he is geting worse and it kills me not to be able to go see him. I know I have to live my life the way I do but it still doesnt stop me feeling bad for moving another country and probably not being able to see him again
    Oh well, guess these things happen but thought I would do a rare thing and share my feelings. Feels better already. At least I have 'Stella' to keep me company lol
  13. Coopsy
    So the Candian Government has too much red tape for my liking, but obviously its necessary
    I have applied for an extension on my work visa (14 weeks ago), although its been provisionally agreed, more info is needed for their files, which requires info from my HR department at the Bank....never easy
    Because my temp SIN # is about to expire I need an extension on virtually everything, from payroll to my business license, to my albert health care, to my drivers license. Now as the Governement have taken so long over procesing my application, the problems have all began
    So today I have called - the registry office regarding my drivers license, the town hall regarding my business license, HR and payroll for an extension on my SIN # so I still get paid and get my benefits, Alberta Health Care so I can get an extension and still be covered should I drunkedly fall down the stairs...oh the joys of dealing with the government
    Anyhow, I might actually do some work now
  14. Coopsy
    So its probably been a week now since the sun went in. Average temps have been 30oC and the locals say this is the usual summer for here in Alberta, right thru til September. Not sure whether to take it with a pinch of salt, like any one who has ever gone to the Canaries and its rained? i have...a few times, and everytime the locals say 'oh we have never seen rain like this, it never rains ....."
    Anyway, played a new sport for me yesterday, its called Ultimate, its played with a frisbee, anyone played it? if not you should find somewhere that does it, its fantastic, now i'm hooked
    We have a long weekend this weekend as its canada day so will be going away to around the lakes, will take some pics and post on here
  15. Coopsy
    The longest day was yesterday and it got dark about 11pm, was out playing footie so was great fun
    I have 3 weeks and 6 days left til my 'holiday' in the UK, cant wait to see everyone again. its been a year almost since I was last year so it will be interesting to see whats changed. On thing I do know is that I am gonna need shed loads of money as everything is half price out here. Petrol is 45pence a litre, and average meal in a restaurant costs 7 quid a person, but the beer is more expensive??? guess that explains the lack of binge drinking teenagers on the streets lol
    Problem I have found out here though, when looking for clothes, it aint happening. Living in a mountain town there is just mountain clothes, which I guess I shold have expected but being naive I thought they would cater for everyone.Yeah I know, so its an hours drive into Calgary to the city to pick up normal clothes lol
    Right, back to work, only 1 day till the weekend and 3 til the England game, yay
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