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Everything posted by Bafan

  1. I get what Andy is saying. We are not average joe bloggs on here... We are weather fans who are on forums, some can read model outputs etc and we knew there was a "possibility" of this happening weeks ago. My mother, for example, is in her 70s, does not have Internet access and relies solely on tv forecasts. There wasn't enough stress put on the potential snowfall... If she didn't catch the forecast til late in the evening after the red warning, it would be to late for her to prepare. I had already sorted her and just as well I did as today was the first time I got up there since last Wednesday. A warning is what it says...a warning. It's not a 100% guarantee that something will happen but it "warns" us of how bad it could get. Defo more notice was needed. We've still got mountains of snow here and I just got stuck in the main town carpark, wheel spinning all over the shop. That being said meto are damned if they do and damned if they don't. They got slated after the red warning issued in 2013. I still love Derek though lol.
  2. nooooo! yellow warning of snow issued for valleys northwards tonight!
  3. I'm shattered! Day of helping digging out the street, then digging out the car and to top it all off, a pipe has burst in my mothers sending torrents through her ceiling. Thankfully her next door neighbour helped as my mam didn't have the strength to top turn the stopcock off and I couldn't get to her as still snowed in despite earlier efforts and plumbers and housing association were a complete no go! Downside to the weather and being a "grown up". I love snow but as far as I'm concerned Spring needs to spring lol! Have to say, the local community has been absolutely amazing... People with 4x4s taking nurses etc to work and farmers using their tractors to help dig streets out. We whinge about Tredegar but when the chips are down, everyone pulls together x
  4. The drip drip drip of a thaw going on here. Doesn't seem to be hardly (if any) reduction of depth but the snow on the roofs of the houses opposite has slid off, woke me up it was that loud....good job no-one was stood underneath ? Current +1c, warmest it's been for days!
  5. Someone come and dig us out lol! Photo doesn't do it justice ... You're walking about a foot above the road in some places. Really hard work...like trying to walk through quicksand, keep sinking into it!
  6. Just started to snow here, bigger flakes than what we've been used to. Currently -1c. Watching the progress on the radar was very painful lol! Looks like there's a fair bit to come.
  7. Radar showing nothing here but the snow is still absolutely pelting down. Weird (admittedly I'm using the free radar but still.....)
  8. scenes from Brynmawr, very similar to here...
  9. Still pasting it down here! I'll be digging myself out for days. Just measured on decking .... 21 inches fairly evenly and much higher than that in parts! Madness. My garden is mostly sheltered too!
  10. I don't think yellow is sufficient for here today given how wild it is here. To me this is just the same as it was yesterday. Snow hasn't stopped for a breather. I think an Amber should've been given.
  11. Snowing heavily here now but still that fine powdery stuff and the wind is still wild at times. Bit warmer than it has been at -2c
  12. hopefully this will work.....somebody filmed Tredegar town Oops not sure what's gone on there lol! I did have a link. Will ty again in a bit
  13. Blimey! My little town gets all the best records!
  14. There's plenty here you can have.....you'll have to come and get it though cos I can't get out ??
  15. Good grief! The world is going mad...don't they know it's March?!
  16. I'm quite lucky to have a garage 5 mins away that serves hot food etc. It's whether they can get supplies is the problem. I knew this was forecast so did a large shop but will have to top up at some point
  17. I can't cope ?? you can have to much of a good thing you know! Lol
  18. Yellow warning just been updated. Up to 4 inches south east Wales! That on top of what we've already got and this wind is insane. Surely Amber is need? Or are they thinking everyone is stuck now anyway lol
  19. Lol! I didn't even think of that ??
  20. snow levels are mental here in tredegar. don't think this car will be moving anytime soon lol
  21. Gutted.....Tredegar wetherspoons is closed today! No snow day in spoons for me ? Tredegar is officially shut!
  22. Surely more warnings will be issued today? Snow is really coming down at the moment and the wind is still going. Someone I know just posted this photo on Facebook....this is what us in Tredegar have got up to!
  23. Omg! I've got up to snowmageddon! The depth and the drifts....absolutely unbelievable. I've measured at least 16 inches down on my decking but some of the drifts are huuuuuge! Nothing will be moving in this street today! And it's still coming down and more expected. I've lived in this house 20 years and it's the worst I've seen it since i've lived here so you're talking about worst (or best) spell since 1990s. Still not on the 1982 level but we've got today to go yet!
  24. This is unbelievable. The wind has really picked up and the snow is absolutely tamping down - shame my camera didn't pick out the snow falling. Don't think I'll be going anywhere anytime soon!
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