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Everything posted by nanu

  1. Nasty one just north of me giving lots of lightning.. central london bound
  2. wow.. rain is incredible... close lightning as well... long time since ive seen it this bad
  3. Whole line of them kicking off here... makes up for yesterday i suppose
  4. Storm kicking off here. no thunder yet, but just a matter of time... nope...thunder heard
  5. Nice storm here.. small, but delivering some nice welcome rain.. very slow moving tho
  6. Thundering here in s/e london.. nice rain as well
  7. im watching time lapse movies of snow storms on youtube
  8. im worried that if we get a dry winter (ie rain but nowhere near what we usually have) and this again next summer or close too.... dont think everybody will enjoy this next year
  9. i know that but, i would love to know from someone a bit more of an expert than me as to whats causing that gap of nothing from south coast to london?
  10. yep london storm shield is up and running... love to know whats causing these storms to be active crossing the channel , break up once hit land, then reform again once north of london.. strange one
  11. well back garden done and tidied so i made it through that without getting drenched, check radar and all rain is disapearing... hmm i think met office will have to check those super computers of there's to find out what the hell went wrong for this morning's downpours and storms.
  12. well if i go to the shed get the gardening tools out,, plug in the lawn mower.. grab me gloves, i can bet that those heavens will open up the moment i apply power to that lawn mower!
  13. well.. storms forcasted this morning for my area,, annnnd nothing, could of got a lot done in ye old back garden this morning, so put off because of forcast and radar showing that threat as well and it all broke up and dissapeared before reaching london, and its still doing that,, so anybody know why?
  14. Yep, watching that as well,, but now getting darker again from that large red blob on radar just south of me.. sounds nasty as well!!
  15. Been hearing reports of more the same for rest of week.. looks like i timed my 2 weeks off just right
  16. Travelling NE, doubt it will hit you,, unless something kicks off on the northern edge of it,, Birmingham in firing line tho,,, sorry Nwest
  17. Now its gone dead calm (still raining), but just south of me i can hear the booming thunder from another cell.
  18. Just south of london its been from 30sec - 1min every strike then a period of calm for about 5mins then kicks off again to the first values, its seems like small storm cells within a big cell if you can understand that, but rain has being going on for about 4hrs now
  19. Hailstones here.. increased thunder activity, stong winds, just need a tornado, days complete
  20. Longest storm here in...... well a bloomin long time... now have hailstones, lightning and thunder has increased as well
  21. Well lots of sirens being heard, hail was rather large and nasty at one point,, oh and looks like trains are affected as well, got lots of hastings and margate trains going down my line (on diversion hays line) which rarely happens.
  22. yeah storm or thunder head is only about a couple of miles wide, but non stop thunder... looks like a power outage somewhere as well got hastings trains diverting down the charing x - Hays line here.
  23. Constant flashes and thunder here now... funny because it just died for about 5mins and now going mental!!.. oh and hailstones rather large, so be careful if your coming home from work or school,, may get nasty bump on head!
  24. There seems to be a small cloud above me making lots of noise and dropping bolts everywhere
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