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Everything posted by Cakie

  1. :shock: I can agree with Sparkle. I'm about 20 miles up the road & the wind is unbelievable :shock:
  2. Well it's throwing it down here, eased off a bit in the last hour from the monsoon type rain before. Cold, miserable & autumn :cry:
  3. Warm but cooling down now the sun has got ready for bed
  4. Clouds have rolled over & it's getting chilly :x
  5. Well up on the N York Moors it's raining that sort of constant drizzle & has been all day :roll: :cry:
  6. I didn't drive right through it only the tail end, thank goodness. I looove thunderstorms, but can't bear to drive in one. I know it's supposed to be the safest place to be but :shock:
  7. Hi Peeps Just driven through the tail end of a thunderstorm, lots of huge splats of rain. I could see the lightening off in the distance but it's heading off towards Scarborough. Hope we get some more
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