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Posts posted by TyphoonNow

  1. if this Easterly literally goes south then i'd probably give up all weather watching and probably all hope too. 

    Nothing like 2 weeks of dramatic tempting expectant big cold - snow, once in a lifetime event, to be shown and then mercilessly denied at so close a time... 

    to make one feel so empty and cheated. 

    that's how I'll feel if it doesn't pan out. be prepared for the worst. 

    but quietly hope for the best. ? 

  2. So the BBC got it wrong again. Rain at low levels below 200m blah blah blah. No forecasting is not an exact science but oh so wrong. We had rain, dry and more rain forecasted.  We have light snow all morning. Yet to settle but a good 2*C colder.

    With all the super computers.  Useless. 

  3. On 01/03/2016 at 9:43 PM, Barbmac said:
    5 minutes ago, ChezWeather said:

    If some of the charts come off, the Peak District is in for its usual pasting, exiting times ahead for any snow lovers though! 

    But chuff all for us down in town. Bbc 5-day has been dancing all week a'tween rain sleet and full snow. Now of course it's sleet. So near and yet so far.

  4. looking at the radar bulk of the precipitation looks to be moving quite quicky north north west now. if it is going to pivet i would hope it starts soon, else it looks more northern england scotland will get the bulk.

  5. MetO still have my area down for heavy snow between 10pm tomorrow night at 6am Wednesday morning. 


    4pm update knocks it down to light snow. for me in chesterfield. i expect more downgrades to follow...


    yet, there is always hope. after all it's all so far just a forecast good or bad, not reality. 

  6. typical! steady streamer rolling along nicely about 12 miles above me. please just change wind direction slightly to a bit more northerly, it is hitting sheffield but not here in Chesterfield.

  7. Am I right in saying that last night's 0Z run and tonights 0Z run should put the same or similar stage of the run forward 24hrs? so a 144 stage would now be 120? Therefore i would expect the weather predicted tonight to be 24hrs closer than last nights?


    Basically what i mean is why does a cold pattern predicted at say 144hrs seldom get closer the next day but still out to 144hrs? It is infuriating. it something i do not understand. Is it moving back or slower to arrive than previously calculated? 

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