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Everything posted by *AL*

  1. Lol looks like it's going around Bristol. Come to Swindon there's lots here.
  2. Just nipped outside and it only takes a few seconds to get covered in snow.More snow here already than on Monday!
  3. Great pics Slinky, Swindons getting a hammering! There's going to be some shocked kids in the morning! Unless the rain sets in and washes it all away! Glad i haven't got any work in the morning......
  4. Be patient in Glos and Chelt, it's coming!! Still heavy here!
  5. Still very heavy here, not massive flakes but heavy! Radar is showing heavier precip coming this way. If it stays this way overnight there will be some big totals. Time for a well earned brew..........
  6. Just a few miles north of me, it's falling heavy here.
  7. I'm only a mile from Coate, coming down quite heavy now and more precip is heading our way! We could wake to quite a covering.
  8. Radar shows green which is sleet, but it's definately snow.
  9. Precip just started here in Swindon, snowing quite heavily and looks like lots to come yet!
  10. Huge flakes of snow falling! Covering the ground very quickly.
  11. Snowing again in Swindon as the rain on the south coast streams northwards and is turning to snow as it meets the colder air.After a thaw today there is some accumulations.Thursday looks promising for this are also.
  12. I think global warming and cooling is just natural cycles for the earth. The C02 emisson debate is nothing but political, raising taxes etc.
  13. Currently in the line of fire of some very heavy snow showers, readily seen on the netweather radar.
  14. Very heavy snow, big flakes and covering well.
  15. We have around 1" maybe a little bit more now, more on the way showing on the radar.
  16. Only around 1 cm here but it's still snowing lightly.Maybe more later.
  17. Currently watch that heavy band of snow which is presently moving west between Oxford and Reading, heading straight for Swindon.(i hope) :lol:
  18. Not much coverage this morning but snow showers are starting to arrive, better potential for this afternoon.
  19. Morning, not much snow overnight here just a light dusting.In the last 10 minutes it's started to come down heavy again and is looking good on the radar for this area. Edit. It's now very heavy!
  20. Just been outside to fed the birds my bacon scraps :lol: Small grains of snow blowing about, very raw wind too.
  21. I hope Swindon is in the firing line! I've got plenty of time to enjoy it as i'm off work for 4 months!!
  22. Excellent idea and a big step forward for the netweather site.Well done.
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