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Lettucing Gutted

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Everything posted by Lettucing Gutted

  1. Here are some February party poopers:- Example 1 I know. February 1997 was a right disappointment for me in winter 1996/1997:- November 1996 = 5.9c C.E.T December 1996 = 2.9c C.E.T January 1997 = 2.5c C.E.T February 1997 = 6.7c C.E.T ahhh! The above is a recent example of a February ruining a good winter. There are 2 more examples of this happening in the last 30 years (before I was born):- Example 2 February 1982 ruined the winter of 1981/1982:- December 1981 = 0.3c C.E.T January 1982 = 2.6c C.E.T February 1982 = 4.8c C.E.T Oh dear... Example 3 February 1977 ruined the winter of 1976/1977 December 1976 = 2.0c C.E.T January 1977 = 2.8c C.E.T February 1977 = 5.2c C.E.T Oh no...
  2. I know. February 1997 was a right dissapointment for me in winter 1996/1997.
  3. I agree with that also. Our weather is turning rubbish.
  4. My worst experience was the whole of the year 2006. 2006 promised to be a cold, dry and bright year in March BUT it turned into yet another hot, hazy and humid year with the worst ever heatwave in July and September to boot. September was warmer than both June and August 2006. C.E.Ts from hot to mild months from that rubbish hot 2006 (10.82c C.E.T). EDIT: Delete my previous post. All of the figures got jumbled together. To see a neat list of C.E.Ts visit the attachment below:- 2006_C.E.T.doc
  5. If the dying cold snap was going to last into the first half of February followed by trademark early spring weather in the 2nd half - I would have given a 4c C.E.T for February 2007. However January 2007 is now mild again and assuming this continues well into February I would have to punt at a 7.5c C.E.T for February 2007.
  6. The poles warm faster than the equator because heatwaves transfer and relieve the equator of up to 6c of excess heat. The polar latitudes get the excess heat distributed to them. If it was not for heatwaves the equator would warm up faster than the poles. The equator has warmed up more slower because they are relieved of heat which is distributed to polar latitudes. The tropics have also warmed less the poles because they get cool dry monsoon winds from the poles in winter and cool moist winds from the winter hemisphere in the summer season.
  7. I was going on the bus to Blackpool that morning of the 28th for shopping in the post Christmas sales. The bus got stuck in snow for ten minutes on the A585 in Kirkham!
  8. After the excellent cool, sunny and snowy March 2006 last year I was hoping that the rest of 2006 would continue the "cooling" trend. But it didn't. Starting with April and continuing now instead we got another year to add to the relentless "more than ten warmest years in a row record"... Instead of a sub 9.4C C.E.T year we had the warmest year on record. Even the "Northwesterly" August 2006 was still "slightly warmer" than average since the Northwesterlies were simply coming off a warm SST anomaly North Atlantic with NO link to Greenland.
  9. I am upset. On Sunday Countryfile got my hopes up. They said it was going to get COLDER this weekend but OH NO ITV said last night its going to get WARMER this weekend. AAAAAAAAH! What went wrong!?
  10. It has made little or no difference: I already believed in AGW. I am worried. Very worried about the future...
  11. That is true because water or wet ground is a very good heat store. It has a greater capacity for storing or saving heat than dry ground has. As well as saving up heat from a mild winter ready for a hot summer, wet ground can also save heat from a hot summer thus making a mild winter more likely to follow than a cold one. Thankyou acbrixton
  12. If January 2007 gets any warmer and doesn't get cold - it could be the first January ever to achieve Steve P's 10c C.E.T for January. As for the lack of cold weather January 2007 is almost as much of a stinker as February 1997 was.
  13. Sorry for asking but what is NMP short for?
  14. In my honest opinion that makes sense because Global Warming is:- 1. Reducing the temperature contrast from November to February in addition to making winter shorter and milder. 2. Increasing the temperature contrast from March to October in addition to making summer longer and hotter. :lol:
  15. That is a great seasonal description for March. I am dreading another hot summer as well.
  16. Since every year from 2002 onward has been getting evermore warmer due to Anthrogenic Greenhouse Warming, together with the El Nino 2006-2007 and increased solar activity - I have decided to give a possible Annual C.E.T of 11.8c for 2007.
  17. Because of Global Warming meaning longer summers and shorter winters in Britain as well as shorter transition seasons - In my opinion the seasons should be like this now:- Spring February, March Summer April, May, June, July, August, September, October Autumn November, December Winter January Before Global Warming took over March was a transitional winter/spring month in my opinion. There was an old saying connected to March's cold first half and March's warm second half. "In like a lion. Out like a lamb".
  18. Strange. 1916 was an overall slightly cool year with a C.E.T of 9.18c but with a very warm January. That January was almost as warm as the 1960-1991 Aprils which had a C.E.T of 8.0c. :o Also despite all of our recent record hot years... we in Britain haven't had a January that was overall warmer than January 1916!
  19. Christmas Day has brought average temperatures to Lancashire today. Not great... but not bad either P.s Merry Christmas everyone!
  20. Thankyou Hiya. A Great point about the Ochils as well. I think that over the years straight westerly winds crossing the Ochils and other Scottish mountains have been responsible for some of Scotland's most supernatural warmth (particularly in Eastern Scotland) in mild winters and warm summers.
  21. Sorry correction. I gave the wrong mountain range. It was the Southern Uplands in Scotland that the South-Southwesterlies would have descended to undergo the Fohn Effect to bring Perth's 29c on 21/7/66.
  22. The effect of the highest temperature of the day (29c) being in Perth instead of in Southeastern Britain was to effectively reverse the usual south to north decline in temperatures in Britain! It is amazing that a reversal of the usual south to north temperature decline in Britain can occur in summer as well as winter!
  23. 1. According to http://www.personal.dundee.ac.uk/~taharley/1966_weather.htm The highest temperature of July 1966 was 29c in Perth on the 21st, as cold Easterlies circulating around low pressure affected much of the SE of England. 2. Do you think Perth's warm temperature of 29c in July 1966 was caused by warm, humid South-Southwesterlies (Maritime Tropical air) moving to Perth on the northwestern edge of the Scandi High Pressure Centre as well as the South-Southwesterlies experiencing adiabatic heating as they descend the Grampians (Fohn Effect)?
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