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Rob Deacon

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Everything posted by Rob Deacon

  1. My weather station shows the winds changed here at 1:45pm to the North https://www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard?ID=IHAYWARD25
  2. <object width="290" height="130"><param name="movie" value="http://www.wunderground.com/swf/pws_mini_rf_nc.swf?station=IHAYWARD25&freq=&units=metric&lang=EN" /><embed src="http://www.wunderground.com/swf/pws_mini_rf_nc.swf?station=IHAYWARD25&freq=&units=metric&lang=EN" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="290" height="130" /></object> ahh I give up
  3. http://<a href="http://www.wunderground.com/weatherstation/WXDailyHistory.asp?ID=IHAYWARD25"><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/banner/ban/wxBanner?bannertype=pws250_both&weatherstationcount=IHAYWARD25" width="250" height="150" border="0" alt="Weather Underground PWS IHAYWARD25" /></a>Current Conditions how do i get my weather station link above in my sig, but not as a long load of text. it should be a small tap showing current coditions
  4. Current Conditions 5.5 °C DP 4.9c Precip Rate: 3.56 mm/hr Precip Accum: 5.33 mm Raining hard at the mo
  5. Yeah I live in Franklands village by the hospital, my house half way down the hill though at 62 meter ASL
  6. My new sledge just came from Norway in the post Just in time hopefully...
  7. Link to my weather station that's in my back garden in Haywards Heath https://www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard?ID=IHAYWARD25 Currently 6.8c due point 5.6c it reached a max of 7.8c today, but looking at the graph on the link it's now dropping fast
  8. I often pop up there when we get snow, will be much better chance than your location of Hove
  9. They are 12,9 and 5 years old, so the youngest one doesn't remember ever seeing any snow yet. I wont be able to wait that long lol, if we dont get snow within the next week or 2 I might take the family on a road trip to Europe for few days on a snow hunt.
  10. I've always used random stuff for sledging, I once removed a car bonnet to use that But I have always wanted a proper old school wooden sledge, and with 3 kids it would get some good use if we get any.
  11. I ordered a new sledge Monday from Norway, it's being delivered on Thursday if on time And I have new mud/snow tyres on the Hilux 4x4, so if the models suddenly back track on snow you know who to blame lol
  12. Sorry should of said, it's the BBC online video forecast updated this morning http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b008flb5
  13. When are the Met office going to come on board? the last forecast I saw from them this morning said looking in to next week with mild south westerly winds!
  14. Must admit it does seem a bit odd to me that my garden is so wet and muddy, but yet we have had below average rainfall for months now?
  15. Out of interest when was the last time Sussex had a white Christmas? I was born in 1979 and it's never happened where I live in Haywards heath in that time. I am thinking of booking a log cabin in Norway for next Christmas so the kids get to see one while they still believe in father Christmas
  16. Yes it is starting to look like from Friday on there will be quite a bit of wind and rain about. At the moment the track of the lows is predicted to effect the north most but at still 4 plus days out it could easily track 400 miles south yet... Annoyingly I wont of yet got my new weather station fitted in the garden as I don't get it till Christmas day lol
  17. 6th frost of the Autumn on my Hilux windscreen this morning here in Haywards Heath. I run my Hilux on used cooking oil I collect from chip shops etc, when it's really cold I have to add a touch of petrol in it to keep it liquid, not needed to for last 3 winters, hopefully this one will be a cold winter
  18. How can that be said when it's the 24th November, GFS could still be right yet...
  19. Isn't it more like most of us don't know how to read the charts, let alone comment on them. But still like the weather and find it interesting, so end up on a weather forum? The models will pick up on a cold spell before the BBC tell you on tv that it's coming, or they have in the time I been viewing TWO and netweather the last 15 years plus
  20. I've just got home from driving from Haywards heath West Sussex to Peacehaven in east Sussex and back to Haywards Heath again. roads are already flooded in lot's of places, and the amount of leaves on the roads was incredible, some of the country roads I was on you couldn't see any tarmac, just leaves! which will cause worse floods.
  21. Looking on the radar there is some big red blobs in northern france that could be coming this way? could that be thunder storms i hope it is.
  22. Had a very heavy shower of snow in burgess hill about 30 minutes ago, and thunder at same time. looking very black again so could be bit more yet, snow has even settled despite it being 5.7c, melting fast obviously
  23. we just had some heavy rain, turned to sleet, then to snow, now back to sleety rain (Burgess Hill)
  24. seems quite mild outside today compared with last couple of mornings, no frost or chill in the air. I see on the radar that the big blob of rain is getting close to are area now.
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