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Everything posted by Neilsouth

  1. Not bad shots , however i think one would've sufficed as they pretty much are all identicle bar a few more clouds
  2. Well not just the mod team but anyway , lets move forward and hope better things come of this
  3. Ouch seems tension is high from the staff today , think i'll stick with putting my photo's on PHOTOGRAPHY areas and not here... Sorry kelly you had to put up with it today
  4. ug tough choice , probably the snow on the beach unless it contained the sky with some nice snowy clouds
  5. Weather I was being humorus ( notice the smiley ) .... Besides i post on talk photography anyway and they will give you feedback good or bad lol
  6. Well have two sections then... Snap shots & Experienced photographers Are these weather related? , the purpose of those shots are to show the beach on a nice day... However they have clouds in them so weather?
  7. I know what its called i'll post it differently... but again who dictates what is stunning and what isn't for a photo not to be posted ? . Not every photographer on this forum knows how to do light metering , AF , shutter speeds let people post what they wan't to post if you don't like the shots don't reply in it! Don't get me wrong i kinda understand where oon is coming from but personally his attitude sucks a big one , there is a far better way to put things across.. Perhaps some smilies would help?
  8. Because i didn't want to , who dictates what are snaps and what is stunning? But a nice walk along the canal can also be weather related - Good weather
  9. Oon i understand what you are saying aswell , but try and cut her some slack she just bought the camera... She has to feel right with it yet , yes those shots are not upto her usual brilliant standards but she just got the camera.
  10. Im on there already but they don't like hdr or highly edited shots hence this lot got put in the recycle bin for trash...
  11. Felt in north kent , i swayed a little on my bed... Didn't think much of it being and earthquake lol
  12. In some parts it was a little windy , trying to keep the tripod steady . Came to a sign that said beware dangerous cliffs , thinking naa can't be that high in this part of kent... Sure enough woaa thats some drop I just had to do something scary with this lol
  13. Picked up another photographer as we wanted to do our first abandoned exploration , we arrived at the destination and looked for a way in. We found good access and climbed through , the place was big inside with alot of rubble on the ground (however it was wrecked). As we moved to the back of the hotel/pub we could see another part to it , but it was pitch black. On the floor was a huge trap door but it was welded shut, To one side was a corridor with toilets but nothing of interest inside apart from a nest of mosquito's We decided to look for a way upstairs , where was the stairs! we found another side passage but this one wasn't easy to get across. The floor was gone and all that could be seen was a hole to the cellar a very nasty drop! Found some planks of wood and made our way across , doing indiana jones style movements along the way. Finally we made it across and at one edge was a door , opening the door was a large slope down to blackness it was probably the cellar something we will go back to ( our torchs had bad light ). At the stairs we could see more rooms one was a kitchen but this had another hole in the floor so could only do some shots from some angles. We walked up the stairs slowly only to be greeted by missing stairs but still we went on!. At the top of the stairs was more rooms alot more , the interesting part of being upstairs was large holes in the walls. Looking through the holes you could see down into the cellar , we even found old bedding perhaps a tramp used to stay here. Took more shots and left , throughout the entire time we heard noises and thought someone else was in there with us but with all the windows smashed open wind could easily make anything move. After the explore we left hopeing to go back some other time! Shots coming later! , i'll post my friends shots aswell when he is finished with is. Alot more here , please visit links! http://s260.photobucket.com/albums/ii18/Ne...ndoned%20Hotel/ http://s260.photobucket.com/albums/ii18/Ne...ed%20Hotel%202/
  14. Awsome , i want to go there and just sit
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