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Radiating Dendrite

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Everything posted by Radiating Dendrite

  1. Are the two not linked though. When we have cold winters then Western Canada tends to have mild winters because of where all the pressure systems are (i.e. high in the Greenland Region).
  2. Do you consume large quantities of carrots? When would we expect to usually start seeing our first central area frosts? Mid September time? I know here in London it won't be till late September/early October.
  3. Yes they were still saying that on the breakfast forecast this morning Still 16c here tonight though, too hot! Oh well at least the signs of autumn are perhaps creeping in somewhere
  4. Bit late to change the commuter situation now. To be fair our economy is geared completely differently to that of the med countries and thus such a siesta idea would not be practical and lets be honest it only nudges above 30c a few times in an average summer. Anyway back to the topic of the thread! We will soon be losing 3mins of daylight a day! I will lose half an hour in the next 9 days.......great!
  5. Well according to the Met Office the SE high rainfall total was a mahoosive 0.2mm! I think we may need to start doing a rain dance soon!
  6. Well we have had 4.8mm of rain here so far this month. In June we only had 2.8mm, send me the rain!
  7. This might be useful: http://wxmaps.org/pix/forecasts.html
  8. I thought that December had got colder as a month compared to 30 years ago? This is discussed in the 1981-2010-philip-eden-cet-averages topic: For example: Thundery wintry showers, on 13 July 2010 - 16:39, said: Philip Eden has created a set of provisional 1981-2010 averages for his alternative continuation of the CET (July-December values subject to revision as 2010 is not yet finished): http://www.climate-u...provisional.htm Some of his 1971-2000 average values differ from the Hadley versions by one or two tenths of a degree, which was somewhat unexpected- clearly those occasional 0.3-0.4C differences do not iron out fully over a 30-year period. The annual average is much the same though. But the most significant part is that 1981-2010 represents a similar rise relative to 1971-2000 as 1971-2000 did to 1961-90. The only month that has failed to warm is December, which is back down to 4.8C which is close to the average for the twentieth century. June has finally responded to the warming trend after seeing no warming trend at all between 1659 and 2000. Central England appears to be warming at a rate of 0.25C per decade, as compared with an average global warming of about 0.15C/decade and an average Northern Hemisphere of about 0.2C/decade.
  9. Just goes to show that the last few Decembers have been decent for cold and snow, even though they usually contain some mild weather within them.
  10. I agree with this. Maybe I should have said the following: When do people start looking and stop looking for snow?
  11. Personally I would love a mix of early Feb 2009 for snowfall and early January 2010 for cold. This would equate to around a ft of snow and a max temperature of around -2c. Fantastic!
  12. I share the sentiments expressed in that last paragraph! I love Autumn and Winter, there is just something a special about these months for me. The light that you get on a late afternoon (around 3-4pm) can be spectacular, especially on a still day with a nice early frost setting in.
  13. I have an interesting question to ask: When do people start looking for cold in the models and also when do you stop? Personally I start looking in mid-October (especially after the 2008 October Snow) and stop looking in mid-march.
  14. This seems to happen a lot. They would rather have somebody that looks good than actually knows what they are talking about. The girls on sky or channel 5 are the worst!
  15. When I go onto your website (your signature links work fine) and select weather data and then Stevenson data I just get the following message: Oops! This link appears to be broken. Suggestions: Access a cached copy of www. sheffieldweather . co. uk/ html/ stevenson_data. htmlGo to www. sheffieldweather . co.ukSearch on Google:I am using Chrome and have pop-up blocker switched off.
  16. I do indeed remember that! First started showing around the 4th December if I remember, at one stage we had -20c 850s hitting the East Coast (although that was deep FI). What a roller-coaster and it actually came true, even though it was different to what was originally shown. I also remember the posts saying that it would breakdown on the 22nd (the models were showing this) but it did not and stayed for xmas! Getting goosebumps thinking about it!
  17. I bet you are glad of the shortening days then laserguy! I must admit I do share a lot of the feelings that you have mentioned but not quite the extremes that you experience. Must admit I do love Christmas though so disagree with you on that one I have the sunrise and sunset times posted as a link in my signature, a great source of comfort at the current time! :lol:
  18. Sorry to hear that :lol: It was interesting to hear people who have the reverse or SAD (dislike long days and heat) chat about it the other month, forgot the thread now. I don't mind summer (i.e. 22 and sunny) but do not enjoy the heat and constant light. Love winter and prefer a nice spring day to a hot summer day.
  19. Very Nice Job! Tried to look at your past data (Stevenson Data) and the link would not work
  20. It is a gust front after looking at it again. Slight mistake with the wall cloud
  21. Dreaded talk of Christmas........bah humbug! I thought everyone loved Christmas? Personally I don't think you can beat a good night in all snuggled up under a duvet in front of the TV
  22. Must admit it is nice to see the rain. We have had a couple of mm over night and it looks like we will get more during today. Very blustery!
  23. Yay! The nights certainly are drawing in now! Over 2 minutes being lost a day. Must say it is like autumn out there today, quite a nice little collection of leaves that had been blown off the trees last night.
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