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Everything posted by eyeofthestorm

  1. Thanks Paul, all sorted my PC has been playing up lately and doing all sorts of weird things, for a moment i thought the forum had been redesigned. Thanks for your help EOTS
  2. As a frequent reader of the forum, and sometimes a poster i'm finding the new style very annoying and hard to read. It's probably just me being picky, but does anyone else think the same thing? I found the old style perfect with nothing to complain about. Can someone please explain whats going on? Thanks in advance EOTS
  3. Possibly could account for some of the sightings, but like i said there are a number of restrictions of where secret aircraft are allowed fly. And i'm sure that military pilots would recognize their own aircraft; there have been some cases where pilots flying the stealth bombers have spotted these objects. The craft that are spotted are not just saucer shaped either, some are triangular, some are cigar shaped. And there are a few cases where some of these objects are over a mile in diameter, with radar confirmation. Now i expect at least some of the sightings are in fact militray, and there have been a number of officials who have told that the US in particular have tried to figure out the Flying saucer technology. Flying saucers was the old term for UFOs in the 1950 and 60s. Ben Rich former head of lockhead Martin warned on his death bed that, and i'm quoting him now. "We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity….. anything you can imagine we already know how to do." Also President Eisenhower's National security chief, COL Philip Corso, explained that technology such as Fiber optics and lasers have come from back engineered extraterrestrial technology As for UFO crashes, they are very rare and have only been a couple known cases; Roswell was one and has been confirmed by hundreds of witnesses, including militray officials who were involved with the incident. But unfortunately the US has been developing some very advanced weaponry which some claim have been trying to bring down UFOs, whether they have been successful i haven't got a clue; and nobody has been able to clarify these claims.
  4. Just to clarify about the possibility of top secret aircraft, there are special designated areas where the RAF/ US air force fly secret projects, and having heard from defense officials who were involved in this, they are not allowed to fly them over populated areas. After all what good is the word "Secret" if the world is there to witness it, and in the event of a malfunction and crash they wouldn't risk allowing classified materials getting into public hands. So the question is what are we left with,we shouldn't rule anything out including the military explanation, but to me seems one of the more unlikely ones. Below is the full disclosure 500 page briefing document prepared for members of the US congress, GOV and Press, interesting stuff. http://www.galactic-server.com/radio/greer/disclosure1.html
  5. I think we should be open to all the possible explanations, also i should also point out that just because we cant achieve interstellar travel, doesn't mean that another advanced civilization hasn't figured this out. There are many discovery's which we are yet to discover and things out there probably unknown to us. I'm doubtful that all UFOs (although most are these days) are secret projects. it is well documented and is currently being declassified in governments such as france and UK that UFOs have been seen by very credible people, including Pilots, Military personal, members of congress, and astronauts. it is also well documented and a declassification process is also currently ongoing which shows that the Ministry of defense of many governments have ordered fighters to intercept and shoot down UFOs. Now why would the British or any other government including Russia US and china order a shoot down of their own air craft? And why would the government risk flying a top secret projects over populated areas for the world to see. There have been hundreds of thousands of cases of UFOs documented other the last 50 years, and around 80-90% are explainable. But that still leaves many completely unexplainable, and these are spotted doing impossible speeds by pilots and military even by the standerd of even the most advanced proto type aircraft. Also many people including famed Apollo 14 astronaut Dr Edgar Michell have even mentioned about the governments involvement with extraterrestrials. Even Obamas Transition chief has called for disclosure for petes sake. So i think we should be open to the ET explanation, and remember UFOs have been well documneted by governments for over 60 years, some are more open to talking than others IE france and the UK.
  6. What we have been seeing over the past year or two in relation to the UFO issue, is a clear signal that Full disclosure on the UFO subject is going to happen soon and a considerable possibilty of an Extraterrstrial explaination behind some of the sightings. A lot of sightings these days,are probably United States projects based on reverse enginnered technology. They have had well over 6 decades to figure out the technology behind the craft that are visiting and have been flying their own since the 1960s. The disclosure that we have all been waiting for, is hopfully just round the corner. Other nations are becoming tired of the United States policy of denial, and is embarassing for them as members of the United States own government and military are coming forward with sightings or involvement with this subject, and most of which are preparing to testify under oath before congress. France in 2007 became the first nation to disclose a portion of it's UFO files, and showed that the french government were taking the subject very seriously. Link below http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...7032202132.html Here's the link again which i posted eariler which was dead; to the documents recently released by the Clinton libery confirming the President Clintons efforts to get disclosure http://www.paradigmresearchgroup.org/main.html Hilary clinton also played a major part in getting infomation to the president as first lady,she also was very interested in the subject matter; a direct link to her invlovement in the disclosure efforts is here http://www.presidentialufo.com/clinton.htm http://www.hillaryclintonufo.net/ Whats even more interesting is Barack Obama's selction of his administration, Clinton is secratary of State, John podesta was obama transition chief who publically called for disclosure in 2002 and was a part of the Clinton White house as cheif of staff---- http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=R2Sz-MgoFos and a key player in Clintons efforts to get disclosure. Leon Panetta will be the CIA director who was also a chief of staff under clinton and played a major role. Along with many more including his DNI director who had a need to know access to the US navys files. Expect disclosure to happen this year, because if the US doesnt disclose another country will.
  7. Hi PP, i'm quite familiar with the Disclosure Project, i find the whole UFO subject fascinating; and is perhaps the only conspiracy theory which contains large amounts of evidence confirming it's existence. The disclosure project now has nearly 500 government witnesses, they held a press conference back in 2001, a couple of months before the 9/11 disaster. This gained notable attention in the lead up to 9/11 The link is here http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=7vyVe-6YdUk He also did a number of briefings for the Clinton administration, during an event called the Rockefeller initiative where Laurence Rockefeller and bill Clinton were trying to get to the bottom of the UFO mystery. Clinton's interest is now being confirmed by several FOIA requests by UFO researcher Grant Cameron who runs http://www.presidentialufo.com/ The link the currently released documents is here http://www.paradigmresearchgroup.org/main.html Obama will probably iniate Disclosure, his choice of his team clearly shows this i will check back later with more information; i will say this now the UFO cover up is nearly it's end
  8. This is just the tip of the iceberg of what's out there regarding this subject. Yes i admit there are a lot of hoaxes out there and many sightings are probably misidentified, but there are some sightings which are just truly remarkable, particularly cases where UFOs are seen by police officers, pilots and military personnel and objects are tracked on both civil and military radar units. certainly in the early days back in the early 1900s when modern UFO reports became apparent many unexplained reports were likely extraterrestrial in orgin, but from the late 50s secret projects within the United States developed there own flying saucers or so called alien reproduction Vehicles which could probably account for alot of modern day sightings. For 60 years this subject has been shrouded in secrecy, but only recently over the past decade has it started to come to light, military and government witnesses have started coming forward and shared there accounts on UFOs, alien life and top secret projects. most of this has been ignored by the mainstream media until this past year when the subject has suddenly hit the news. The people i have talked too and books I've read is that a gradual disclosure of all related matters was the best way to go, which is what we are now starting to see, IE France releasing key documents in 2007 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...7032202132.html followed by the UK in may and October of this year. http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5iMGau7B...g6GsLwD93UD4P81 Also there was an alleged secret meeting at the UN concerning UFO and extraterrestrial life in February which was allegedly attended by over 30 nations including the Vatican, and it was widely accepted by nations that we were been visited and were working out a timetable for disclosure. What adds credibility to this meeting was just 2 months later the Vatican's chief astronomer to the pope came out and said this: http://www.livescience.com/space/ap-080513...can-aliens.html Also check out this press conference done back in 2001, where over 20 military and government witnesses testified in front of camera regarding this subject. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=7vyVe-6YdUk and this in 2007 http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=aqycW-DG3ew It's an amazing subject to look at, and would certainly be an amazing event when it all comes out.
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