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Everything posted by Luke

  1. I think so yeah, rain getting heavier now.
  2. Exactly the same, bright in the distant, very dark here, would be expecting it to be raining very heavily now but it isn't
  3. Is this lot later than expected, I thought there would be more by now
  4. Certainly some very heavy slow moving rain on the way. Could cause some nasty flooding.
  5. Ah right ok thanks. So that it why I can see lots of swirly looking clouds?
  6. Can somebody tell me why the clouds are moving west when the rain is meant to be going eastwards??
  7. Looking very good for later on
  8. Latest radar shows some seriously heavy rain developing. Sun has come out now with blue skies.
  9. Very heavy rain here already! Nothing is on the radar either. If this is what is to come later there is coin to be a lot of rain!
  10. Cloud is thinning here and a few patches of blue sky are visible. Good sign?
  11. Got to love a bit of optimism aha Weather forecast just said torrential rain, hail and strong winds.
  12. Lots of things still pointing to the Midlands for this event. Maybe amber warning soon?
  13. Give it time. We still have most the day left yet and heavy showers are expected this evening.
  14. Gone very dark here, raining heavily and gone very windy :o
  15. Going dark again here, only expecting rain. The showers seem to be forming in a line for here so by the end of the day I expect a fair few mm to have fallen.
  16. Some very heavy rain here, the showers must be developing wry quickly because the radar only shows light rain here.
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