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Everything posted by Azazel

  1. Just drove the B3400 from Basingstoke to Andover and it’s a state. Lined with tankers pumping floodwater and half the road is missing where it’s basically washed away. Took me absolutely ages but at least I was warm in my car.
  2. Some big bangs after I went back to bed and then woken up by sirens so obviously something got hit nearby. Nowhere near as impressive as the September plume of last year but still not a bad start to the storm season at all!
  3. Just got up for a poo. Can confirm deep rumbles and flashing to the east
  4. Eagle Eye man, would literally kill for accessible Doppler coverage in the U.K.
  5. Echoing others in here when saying storms can form extremely quickly. The nighttime one we had in September last year being a prime example - if you went back to the thread at the time it was happening you would catch me moaning about nothing happening and then ten minutes later I had a violent strobe show above my house
  6. I’ve done very well for night storms in May and September for the past couple of years now. Fingers crossed
  7. Wonder if it'll arrive before i go to bed - would keep up the tradition here of elevated storms in May.
  8. Gone are the 21s and 20s now showing a solitary max of 17 in ten days time. I give up. F**k this wretched climate.
  9. The nice temperatures getting pushed back every morning when I check my weather app We’ll be lucky to crack 20 degrees until July at this rate
  10. 5 degrees out there with a ‘feels like’ of 0. delicious
  11. Wade this circular strawman argument is so boring mate. Nobody expects tropical weather all year round or wants that either and I think literally everyone here and above the age of 5 in general knows the geographical position of the U.K. Do I expect wall to wall warm weather from the 1st March to the 1st October? No. Do I HOPE for warm weather? Absolutely. Huge difference between hope and expectation. You’re also in the moans thread.
  12. I’ve seen the rogue 20c disappear from my app for next week now. I’m sure it’ll be down to 12-13 by the time we get there
  13. Summer8906 it’s featureless sheet grey here. Feels just like one of those anticyclonic gloom days in mid-winter
  14. Standing outside it could genuinely be any day in mid December-Feb. The only thing giving it away is the trees are fairly green
  15. Summer8906 au contraire, I love the light mornings. It’s wonderful gently waking up and thinking ‘oh it must be nearly time to get up’ then looking at your phone and realising you have another 2 hours still. Roll over and go back to sleep. Bliss. Stark contrast to Winter when the obnoxious sound of my alarm wakes me up in the dark
  16. Heating on full whack here. Can see my breath outside. Vile.
  17. SunnyG Yeah haha it says it all about our climate when the Meto are visibly embarrassed of it.
  18. B87 yes, I'm writing off May and the remainder of spring now as we know how long these patterns take to shift. That's 2 months down from what I describe as the "warmer and lighter" half of the year (April - September) . April and May used to be my favourite months of the year because the nights are drawing out rapidly, plants are in bloom and you get those first lovely warm spring days. Not anymore lol. Might even be my new least favourite part of the year because there is something so irredeemably cruel and foul about having to endure this ghastly extension of Winter right up until summer.
  19. SunSean did you copy this from Markyo’s diary? I am of course, just playing
  20. With the outlook looking as awful as it does, is there at least any sign of any convective activity in the models?
  21. Nick L it’s the wind! When the wind stops it’s absolutely fine (if I stand at a certain angle in my back garden behind a wall it almost feels like it could be spring)
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