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Posts posted by Azazel

  1. My partners parents live in a little village called St. Mary Bourne and every time I drive over there, even though it’s only like 5 miles away, it takes me half hour because the route is full of trucks and equipment pumping the floodwater. They’ve been there every day since December I think. The water is coming up through peoples downstairs toilets etc and the road is lined with sandbags. Never seen that before. 

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  2.  B87 2022 too. Spring was no great shakes.

    According to Wunderground, London hit the 20c no times in March (fair enough) and ONCE in April (15th)  - took until May to see decent temps

    2021 had a lovely 3 day spell at the end of March where we hit 20c (I remember it well)  0 times in April and then only 3 times in May.

    So actually, it looks like we've only hit 20c on one solitary April day in the past 3 springs. I wonder if we can make it four?


    I swear I was gaslit on here for saying the last several springs have been c**p with people telling me 2021 was great etc but the temps say otherwise.


    Something has changed in our climate. One crap spring with reduced temps you could say fine, that's a fluke. Two Springs is coincidence. Three Springs (and what looks like a fourth) is a pattern.


    Winter seems to have shifted into a completely different section of the year. I would argue our seasons are now something like May (Spring) June/July (Summer) August - Feb (Autumn) March-April (Winter)

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  3.  CryoraptorA303 yeah it’s a pain. We’ve done several auto immune investigations over the years and nothing has come up but I finally did a poor man’s tilt table test a few months back and my HR goes from like 70 to 130 when standing and stays there for like 5 minutes. I have tried adding more salt to my diet and drinking tonnes of water and it really does seem to help - so that’s what I think it is and my GP agrees. He says getting a diagnosis is kind of pointless however but I still will likely try to get one as if I ever get really sick it gives me some kind of official record and diagnosis 

  4.  CryoraptorA303 fair enough - I’m pretty sure I don’t have hyperthyroidism but I DO likely have POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) which is why I do actually struggle when it gets TOO hot even though I like the warmth. 

    This has been an ongoing thing for me since I was about 18 but before then I definitely always felt the cold a little more than most - swimming pools for example are always a few degrees colder than I can bare for longer than like ten minutes!

  5.  CryoraptorA303

    I mean, I’m fairly lean and not fat so that possibly contributes. 

    But I’ve always felt the cold and always been on the cooler side - as have several people I know. I also know several people who always feel warm and as far as I know, they don’t have any medical issues.

    Its almost like we are all different with varying tolerances 🤔 

  6. I’m in Bognor Regis and it said yesterday that it would feel warm in the sunshine but clouding over later.

    it rained all day. 

    I’ve never known the weather forecasts to be so incorrect so regularly.

    Also, looking like another year without a spring. How dreadfully depressing. 

    Roll on March 25. 

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