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Everything posted by Acupuncturist

  1. The radar has been lying to me all day. Ive been under precip but got nothing !
  2. Ive been following the snow on rain today on and off all day today and it has quite often had my area under pink indicating snow but in facrt we have had hardly any all day - very frustrating. Especially when I hear reports of Snow North south east and west of here ! Ah well - maybe Sunday
  3. rain today radar seems to suggest that we are going to get a couple of hours of reasonable snow from about three o'clock
  4. The snow seems to have pivoted around my house ! On the radar forecast you can see snow band starting to move North along its more eastern arm towards Sheffield. If the forecast was to carry on a bit further I wouldnt be surprised to see snow moving North just to the east of me as well as snow just to the south and west. Having said that it looks like its all starting to lose intensity anyway
  5. Got a light dusting of snow in the night but nothing since. There are a few tiny flakes falling now. Just like last night, I appear to be under precipitation on the Rain today radar and yet nothing is falling here in Chorlton (south manchester)
  6. The rain today radar has shown us under reasonably heavy precpitation for the past few hours, at least as heavy as other areas in the North west and yet we hardly have a covering at all whilst others in here seem to have a couple of centimetres. Looks like the south manchester snow dome is working well which doesn't bode well for tomorrow
  7. Yes Ive just noticed that - all the snow just suddenly dissappears. I've never seen the NW snow dome work so effectively
  8. Cit of manchester stadium is only about 4 miles from here but Ive just got heavy rain
  9. Here in South Manchester the snow turned to rain at about 3.00 pm and any lying snow has turned to slippy slush so there is no need for anyone further west to be feeling jealous
  10. Grey skies but still no precipitation here in south manc. Really want snow but have to take partner to wythenshaw hospital for appointment at 3.45 so I'm a bit torn. My car is worse than useless in the snow so in danger of getting stuck if it really snows !
  11. Rain today radar shows a large amount of precipitation heading down from the north. Does anyone think this will reach us later or will it all peter out (or turn to rain) ?
  12. Snowing for the last 10 mins here in Chorlton. Sticking on the grass and on the snow magnet (aka wheelie bin). i wasnt expecting anything today so this is a bonus :-)
  13. Well that must be very localised because Im also in chorlton and its not snowing here !
  14. had some snow here in chorlton in the last hour. Its currently -4 with dp of -1.5. I think we may get sleet or rain this afternoon followed by a very hard frost so the road and pavemnts look like bein trecherous again. Good chance of further snow over the next few days
  15. I dont think the temp will rise above about 4 for the next few days and the days are currently very short so Id be amazed if all the snow on the ground is gone before tomorrow
  16. We have had rain here in Chorlton which has melted some of last nights snow and made it very wet. Still there is still a lot of snow on the grouund so Im pretty confident we will have snow on the ground for Christmas day. Temp is currently 1.6 and dewpoint 0.5 so we wont be getting any more snow thats for sure. Until next week....
  17. According to the weather station info from old trafford cricket ground (which is just up the road from me) the temp has risen from .04 to .09 in the last halh hour. Perhaps rain is more likely at least to start with in manchester
  18. Well what a strange day of weather here in south manchester. Snow, hail, rain, then more snow, then more hail and now rain. Does anyone know what happened ? I thought we were meant to be in bitterly cold polar air so how come its now raining even though its after dark and you might expect the temperatures to be dropping further ?
  19. sleeting here in chorlton, im hoping its goint to turn to snow soon
  20. A slight dusting of snow here in chorlton mind you I wasnt really expecting any snow yesterday so thats a bonus. Im a bit disappointed to see heavy rain forecast for here tomorrow afternoon, do you think that will prevent the snow forecast for monday from sticking ?
  21. The BBC weather forecast for saturday shows temp of 5 celcius and rain but netweather shows temp not above freezing all day. Ive got a horrible feeling that the BBC site will prove more accurate While the rest of the country is bitterly cold, I think we will just be bitter ! Hope Im wrong
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