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Dom W

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Everything posted by Dom W

  1. The thunder was great in that last storm, started off rolling and ended in a rather loud boom.
  2. I have a little pool of water in the garden too - but I guess other places will have some major flooding.
  3. Seems the lightning activity has died, just the odd one further south east.
  4. I saw clouds from all directions today, a bit of sea fret which has now gone. It is nice to see the actual bases of the storms rather than stratus.
  5. Got a real pasting over the last hour, was quite scary at times. Still shaking after a large bolt of lightning somewhere over the Industrial Estate between Shotton and Peterlee. The thunder nearly knocked me off my feet.
  6. Got fog rolling in now. I think I may have heard a very distant rumble of thunder.
  7. Same here, overcast and the odd spot of rain and drizzle over here too after that heavy rain earlier.
  8. Very overcast here, I am glad someone is hearing thunder. I cannot hear any distant thunder due to noise pollution from some roadworks.
  9. Got woken up by a torrential downpour, I am really surprised that there was no thunder, it was that heavy.
  10. Was looking dark near here but looks like it has gone up your way. Any thunder heard? Very muggy out there.
  11. Some beautiful colours over the North Sea from some congestus, also some cunims to my south. Was explosive earlier, saw a tower go up around 7.00 and the next minute it was an anvil. No thunder heard but had the odd shower around 6pm not far off Sedgefield.
  12. Rather overcast and grey with low cloud coming in from the sea. Got rather dark at lunchtime though and had a rather torrential downpour over Peterlee but since then it has returned to overcast grey skies and a little chilly too, feels quite autumnal.
  13. Looks like the showers have died slightly in the east but the forecast is for them to return through the night and tomorrow.
  14. It is hard to say the clouds are hardly moving, but some of the lower bases are moving from south to north. Some interesting cloudscapes at the moment.
  15. Yeah just looked, the clouds are hardly moving and now I can see clouds moving from the south in the last half and hour. Some very dark bases.
  16. Got a heavy shower passing over, I think there is distant thunder but unsure. As soon as a shower or storm comes near I always have planes going over or other background noises so hard to make out any thunder at times.
  17. Some amazing Cunims around. Lots of great anvils to the south, north and North East of me. Had some lovely sunshine over me now though so had a go at a bit of weeding while the soil is soft; felt quite tropical in the sunshine.
  18. Looks like there is a storm to the west of me, had a few lightning flashes on the chart
  19. Had a really heavy shower pass over Shotton, I got soaked. Looks really dark over Teeside way. What is the situation over the North East? Shower was not thundery but may end up thundery as it develops.
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