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Bristawl Si

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Everything posted by Bristawl Si

  1. 1st shower is ahead of schedule; already here.
  2. 16c, Mainly cloudy, although the sun is trying to poke its way thru the clouds. Looks like a rash of showers on its way, to reach here, around 6 this eve.
  3. 78/79 yep, hopefully. I watched numerous youtube vids, incl Azpects own one. Time will be the judge.
  4. jtay yeah, i've got about 20% of tub 3 left and covered it in water in the bag. I might do a couple of other patch-up jobs on Tues and that one will be gone then.
  5. jtay yeah, Easyjoint. Get the patio area drenched in water, break the 12.5kg bag open and unload it on the patio area, soak it with water to create a slurry and brush in. It's easier with a 2nd person watering behind you, to clear off loose 'sand' from the slabs. I was on my own, so the watering whilst doing the job and clearing off loose stuff wasnt easy. I've actually ended up brushing some of the excess off the slabs that has dried this lunchtime. I ordered 4 tubs of mushroom-coloured online, not cheap, used 3, so have a spare. Delivered in 24 hours.
  6. The new grout's been down 48 hours and the rain we've had in last couple of hours really brings out the colours of the indian sandstone slabs (i did jetwash them with a black spot remover solution and water the other week).
  7. AWD you must have it worse 'across town'; as our few spots of rain from a couple of hours ago came to nothing. Having said that we're forecast rain in next hour.
  8. After an ok start to Sunday, we now have a few spots of rain here, 14c. It was forecast to become showery from 3 oclock this afters, so another Meto fail, in my book.
  9. Yet another inaccurate forecast (locally) from UK Meto. Rain supposed to have cleared by 10.00am today. Started my patio grouting at 10.30 and in last hour it's decided to piddle down. Do they still get their funds from us, the UK taxpayer?
  10. Summer8906 erm...no smells here. If u can get an appointment, a visit to the docs might help
  11. I met a mate this afters, for a few bevvies and a 5.30 burger and fries; we both turned up in layers more akin to January.....on 2nd May, for flock's sake Anyone know when this global warming kicks in, for here?
  12. markyo "the stench of humidity"?! Are you ill?
  13. SizzlingHeat yep, just as i'm off to Fuerteventura for 10 days
  14. "In the bleak mid-winter....." Oh wait, it's May 2nd. Grey, damp, dreary, drizzle 12c.
  15. 11c, damp, doesnt feel paticularly humid, but storms incoming, to reach us in early hours.
  16. 12c and the rain's arrived, right on cue. Heavy, thundery stuff forecast for here in the early hours tom.
  17. Grey, gloomy, 9c. Showers due soon and poss heavy stuff this eve. 1 week to go fuert
  18. MP-R yeah, same here; those temp maps are often inaccurate. And it's stayed dry. Ironically, i was hoping it was going to chuck it down by now, as i did hold off the patio grouting due to forecast rain. Our metoffice short range forecasts have been dreadfully inaccurate for months now, on a near-daily basis.
  19. Cloudy, windy, 15c. Rain expected early eve, which has stopped me grouting the patio this afters. Bizarre i know, but i hope it damn well chucks it down this eve/night, so it justifies my decision, otherwise i'll get 'earache from within'.
  20. Cloudy, 13c, nagging (and still cool) wind. 9 days (and counting) Fuert
  21. 6c, raining, grim. Oh well, it's a day in front of the telly and having a punt or five
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