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Everything posted by welshawb123

  1. Whats the overnight forecast for South Wales? Are we expecting some good snowfalls? Snowing lightly here now for last hr, light dusting on floor, nothing major yet. How is it in Cardiff? Still snowing?
  2. Hi everyone, does anyone know if South Wales, Bridgend area is due to be hit overnight with snow? What are our chances? Thanks
  3. Snowing in Abercynon, heavy but not sticking to roads or pavements. Hope it will....
  4. Nice I am pleased for you, just started to snow here in Bridgend now, very light small flakes, no dusting of yet. Fingers crossed. Thanks for the link.
  5. Well that was dissapointing, a few flakes and nothing. Its a start though, should move to Pencoed lol
  6. Just started to snow in Litchard, Bridgend. Very light, a few flakes but its a start
  7. Excellent hopefully its on its way, lamp post watching about to begin.
  8. I am in Litchard, not far from Pencoed, fingers crossed for lots of white stuff falling and covering the ground.
  9. Welcome I am also new. According to metcheck you should see snow tomorrow evening through the night and morning. I am no expert though. Good luck with recieving the snow
  10. Totally agree, we in the west were never forecast snow on Sunday, always been for Monday/Tuesday so lets all look forward to it arriving tomorrow. The weather warnings are still in force for Wales which is a good sign, so hopefully we will get what we havent had for a while, snow
  11. Always the way you want it so much it knows and decides to detour around, the result is banging your head against a brick wall.
  12. haha maybe we need to abolish the toll charge into Wales, could be the reason the snow never seems to want to come across.
  13. Thanks for the welcome, agreed its looking good so far, have a 60% chance according to the meto weather warnings. Still in place and hoping this will be a memorable event. Bring on the snow..
  14. Hi everyone, my first post, even though I have been an avid netweather follower for years. I hope Bridgend gets to see some snow over the next few days. Been here so many times and the last minute it all changes and the snow ethier never comes or its rain. Here is hoping that all get some snow over the next few days. Good luck all.
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