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Everything posted by Elnonio

  1. Boys, boys put your handbags down! I think what pascals was trying to say is that this is a much more relaxed forum than some of the others which cannot be named! All the talk of LP, HP, FI, UKMO, GFS 12Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz - does tend to leave you a little bit lightheaded particularly when it does not actually transpire!!! Actual data is good, it gives us a picture of what's happening around Wales and what might come. That's my opinion anyway E x
  2. Agree totally Joo. Love seeing falling snow but hate walking on the stuff. V paranoid after falling a few years ago skiing. Let's hope for a nice dusting but nothing too extreme.
  3. This looks good!! Apart from for Cardiff - typical!! Is this within the reliable timeframe or are we in FI. Oh my god, I sound like someone from the (very serious) model discussion thread. Are you proud of me?!!?!!
  4. I think we have to face facts guys. No snow for Wales in the current outlook. ( sorry - couldn't resist the emoticon) Maybe next week but haven't we been here before?!! I would love to be proved wrong though!!!! E x
  5. OK, so my latest post won't make any sense. sorry !! Agree totally Jackone - at last! E x
  6. Don't get me wrong, I am totally addicted to this forum and it is much more forgiving and less 'sniffy' than the other 'very sensible and model driven' forums on here. However, since I am really rubbish at reading charts and the like, I would really like to see some more concrete evidence and explanation rather than ' it will snow on tuesday' and 'it is drizzling in Swansea'. E x
  7. Not even a single flake. This week seems to be all cold and sometimes sunny and I can't really see much on the horizon unfortunately - keeping the faith though - however misguided that might be! E x
  8. Snowing heavily here in Cardiff Only joking Where are you? Are you all on the model output discussion? Are we resigned to the Adlantic (sic) coming back
  9. Wedi symud yma pan roeddwn yn 12 Moved here when I was 12 True Cerdiff girl now!! My prediction is: 1. Westerly wins - everybody sad 2. Easterly wins - lots of cold but not a lot of snow , just enough to make life difficult - everybody sad !!!!
  10. !!!!!!!!! i ti hefyd. To you too. Nawr te - y pethau pwysig - pryd fydd hi'n bwrw eira yng Nghaerdydd?! Now then - the important things - when will it snow in Cardiff?! (I don't really care but Jay wants to know!)
  11. She's not called Mother Nature for nothing you know! And she might just send you to your room for such blatant sexism.
  12. I have to disagree, Cardiff, which is probably east wales as far as you are concerned got measly amounts. Ok so it all froze over and made life miserable for everyone but that really wasn't the point. We want 6 ft drifts like what you get in the mountains of Swansea!! N x
  13. Quite obviously p*ssed I think. No snow this weekend then - lots of northerly wind but no precipitation to go with it I suspect. A few flakes maybe. Poor show!! Charts I have been looking at seem a bit scary towards next weekend though - but a week is a long time in snow-watching. N x
  14. Thanks Andy. I know I've asked you before !! I do know that the charts predict what weather we will be having - it's just the nuances that you committed weather watchers understand that I have problems with. My A level Geography teacher would be turning in his grave ( if he was dead - which he is not!).
  15. What ECM? where is it? For us chart newbies - what does it mean? Don't keep me in suspense like this!!!!
  16. Maybe they've borrowed MrMonopoly's pendulum?!!
  17. Would still probably been pouring with rain. I have been in the alps at minus something and it still manages to rain!!! Mr E back. It did rain in the alps once when we were skiing for about an hour. Then we had sleet for about an hour. Then we had blizzard conditions for 36 hours. Just wanted to clarify.
  18. I'm watchin'. Always watchin' Keep the faith. I suspect Andy is out with his girlfriend buying a new freezer. In the volvo. There is no way this winter is over. It's like half time at the football. Ha - that was Mr E hacking into my account. As far as I'm concerned half time is the good bit in the football. Don't let this thread die guys. It might be pouring with rain outside but imagine if it was snow....
  19. Where are you getting this from Andy? I can't see anything more than a 'normal winter' in Jan/Feb. But then again I was very surprised that it snowed today where I was!! N x
  20. Can't see what all the fuss is about really - seems to me to be in somewhat of a holding pattern - no give or take on either side. Is this a good snow scenario?
  21. Aargh, s***t, I'd rather have drizzle than s***t.
  22. I will believe it when I see it!! Met office for Wed/Thurs doesn't seem to make much sense and forecasts don't back it up. Where can I get this GFS 18z ?? And more to the point - is it free?! And even more to the point - is it right !!!!?
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