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Everything posted by Elnonio

  1. Makes no sense! Doesn't agree with their forecast for weather or their forecast for temperature as far as I can see. Am I missing something??!
  2. Did you know that a 150m drag lift costs £250,000!! At least that's what the bloke on the dry ski slopes told me. No wonder the ski passes cost so much. Probably not so much money to be made really!!
  3. Well, better out with a bang than a fizzle. Fabulous view this morning looking out over the park. Kids had a lovely time sledging. A bit of a thaw now but not much to be honest. I've had a ball. Thanks to all. This is a fab forum! Very cross that I didn't buy one of those self assembly snowmen but stocks are dwindling fast and I hear that only the yellow ones are left - don't like yellow to be honest. Happy birthday for tommorrow Jay. Bye to all for now but I'll be watching - always watching!!! Diolch yn fawr i bawb am yr hwyl a twll tyn bob sais!! Thanks to all and happy snow watching!! xx
  4. Don't know if this helps but plenty more ppn on the way http://www.meteox.co.uk/h.aspx?r=&jaar=-3&soort=exp
  5. fi'n ffan o dywydd gaeafol yn y gaeaf a tywydd hafol yn yr haf. I prefer winter weather in the winter and summer weather in the summer. Don't think its too much to ask personally
  6. only joking - want world peace and snow for everyone
  7. Who'd have thought it eh?! I have about two cms on the top of the mostly redundant sledge - ha - not redundant anymore !! Have to give it to the met office/bbc though - got it mostly spot on for us today although didn't see all the updates. Right - where's the best place for sledging in cardiff?
  8. Don't worry - they will soon forget about us when the thaw starts and they get floods!
  9. Winds being SE rather than southerly helps as well.
  10. Still snowing in Cardiff. Sticking now and looking for good accumulations hopefully! Not bad for so near the coast - do you think that the narrowness (is this a word?!) of the severn estuary by us might be a factor i.e. no warming from the sea? and a big(ish) landmass to the South. I hope this makes sense to somebody!
  11. Glad you got your car out Andy. Looking good so far - am ignoring posters saying no snow for caerdiff/swansea!! V cold in cardiff tonight am shivering despite having the heating on constantly. I would give you a measurement but my son has broken his weather station apparently Am worried about rain on the back edge washing everything away before we have time to enjoy it - what do you think?
  12. Not good apparently. My parents and sister live down there. Sister was cut off for a couple of days, and they had some more moderate snow this morning.
  13. BBc are forecasting the most boring, pointless weather ever for Cardiff tonight - drizzle. I could cry!
  14. Ddim yn meddwl dy fod ti, dim ond bod bo fy ngwr yn giamstar ar falu cachu ac yn methu siarad unrhyw iaith arall!! You mis-understsand, I am very impressed indeed!! I wish I could speak so many languages but my husband can indeed b**ls**t but only in Welsh and English
  15. Have a look at which roads Cardiff are going to be gritting from now on ( on the council website) - not a very long list. Scary!!
  16. WOW!! Ond wyt ti'n gallu malu cachu fel fy ngwr?!!!! WOW!! But can you b***s**t like my husband?!!!!!!!
  17. Yay Adam - aml ieithog - pob parch!! Yay Adam - multilingual - I am impressed!!
  18. Nos da Andy. hope you can get to your car soon Buongiorno. I am sure that must be wrong but my Italian is very bad. Welcome to Wales!!
  19. Ydy pawb wedi mynd i'r gwely? Has everyone gone to bed?
  20. I assumed they took that into consideration when forecasting - so thought 5mm of the forecasted precipitation meant exactly that - no wonder I have been depressed!!!
  21. Found this satellite - looks better than the radar to be honest. Radar looks a bit rubbish. Aargh!! http://france.meteofrance.com/france/observations?51126.path=animationsatellite
  22. If things aren't going according to plan that's probably because there was no plan! Am I right in assuming that nobody really knows what's going to happen? BBC forecasts looked quite good earlier - I think we will all get loads of snow but we have to be patient. This is based on precisely no charts, no forecasts, no vast meteorological knowledge only blind faith and ignorance. Keep the faith !! xx
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