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Everything posted by D-J-V

  1. D-J-V

    Chase 2013 T5

    Images from Tour 5 2013
  2. Just spoke to the parents in Salisbury....sods! Sounded like a good'un while it lasted!
  3. The weather will do what the weather will do and all we can do is try and maximise our chances, if that means flying to the US or taking a walk up your nearest hill for a good view....and as always be patient! Still plenty of time and things are looking better!
  4. Quick Q is that a hail spike on the radar from the French storm or just an incredibly straight line of rain?!
  5. Damn the French....anyway keeping patient and hopeful as always, the cell in France looks like a beauty on radar! Still yet to get my first ever UK lightning shot...could that be all about to change? Gear is ready and car is on standby happy to headout for anything coming up from the south or anywhere I can peel off the M25! Paul wondered when you were going to chip in!
  6. excellent new cell looks good! northern one we left died...looking forward to my steak been a long wait!
  7. excellent new cell looks good! northern one we left died...looking forward to my steak been a long wait!
  8. IS THE STREAM WORKING? We could be in business here guys n girls
  9. Signal is appalling here at the moment....trying my best to keep things running. We are on a lovely supercell that is sitting on the rockies! By far the most excited Paul has been......that can only be a good thing.
  10. We are off.......heading to Torrington WY Tornado watch box has been issued. This looks like the best setup of the trip and we could easily bag an elusive Wyoming nado, first tops are going up. The Sherman Torcon is at an 8/10 and first tops are ahead. Stream is running. Will keep you updated as and when!
  11. There is a boundary setting up south of us with north and south winds converging around Scotts Bluff/Chadron area, any storms that do come off the upslope areas that interact in this environment should be able to develop into supercells with a chance of a Tornado or two.....
  12. Fueled up on Buffalo burgers and making our way to Rapid......
  13. A couple of pics straight off the camera.......how that thing is not a Tornado I do not know! Oh well....nice structure! https://forum.netweather.tv/gallery/image/18394-img-1521/ https://forum.netweather.tv/gallery/image/18395-img-1572/
  14. D-J-V

    IMG 1572

    From the album: Chase 2013 T5

  15. D-J-V

    IMG 1521

    From the album: Chase 2013 T5

  16. Well well well that was a fun chase.......how can we come even closer to getting a nader without seeing one! Stream died when we went offroading...apologies!
  17. She is a looking good.....got a route planned to come up right behind this cell infront. Things are looking good for this one if nothing breaks down south of it.....
  18. Quick Update... Heading north, MD issued for the boarder storms are firing when these cross the warm front we should have great tornado potential! Both Netweather and ChaserTV streams are now live
  19. Cheers guys...... Stream and Barons went down for 30mins v odd stuff going on near a military base...we are back up and running! Who else do we have with us this evening?
  20. Glad to see you on board Tom! Soooo who has seen the temperature dew point spreads at our target location.......its looking gooooooooood!
  21. Correction I90......lack of sleep there!
  22. Netweather stream is on....just for the incredible scenery here in SD! Gobsmacking!
  23. Morning Folks, So the risk area today covers the northern plains into the upper Mississippi valley, we are going to head up to Rapid City and then blast east as quickly as humanly possible in i80 and then up to Pierre! We need to get on to these storms as or soon after initiation before the MCS forms. Good tornado potential today and unbelievable centenary.... We have just crossed into South Dakota......game on!
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