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Sunday November 12th 2006


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  • Location: Pollard's Hill, Surrey
  • Location: Pollard's Hill, Surrey

Pollard's Hill, Surrey

Recordings taken at 00.00:

Current Conditions: Mostly Cloudy

Current Temp: 10.8°C

Barometer Reading: 1018hPa (Steady)

Wind Direction/Speed: W 12mph

November Mean Temp Avg: 7.51°C (-0.84°C)

November Rainfall: 8mm

  • Location: SE London
  • Location: SE London

Current Nearest Observations:

partly cloudy 9°C

SW (18 mph)

Relative Humidity (%): 76,

Pressure (mB): 1021, Steady,

Visibility: Very good

  • Location: Stewartstown (51m asl) , N.Ireland. (In Dazzling Dazza Land)
  • Location: Stewartstown (51m asl) , N.Ireland. (In Dazzling Dazza Land)

Damp, WINDY, but currently clear.

Current Nearest Observations:

Temp: 7°C

Wind: W (21 mph)

Relative Humidity (%): 74,

Pressure (mB): 1018, Rising,

Visibility: Good

  • Location: Canmore, AB 4296ft|North Kent 350ft|Killearn 330ft
  • Location: Canmore, AB 4296ft|North Kent 350ft|Killearn 330ft

Current Nearest Observations:

Temp: -4°C

Wind: NW (7 mph)

Relative Humidity (%): 26,

Pressure (mB): 1013, Falling,

Visibility: Good when I have my eyes open

  • Location: Bournemouth
  • Location: Bournemouth

Oooh, this looks like fun. And I can increase my post count?

Well then:

Bournemouth 0z obs

Wind W @ 8 knots

Temp: 11c

Pressure: 1023 Rising

3-4 oktas @ 4000 feet

Visibility: Good

  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:
  • Weather Preferences: Extreme winter cold.
  • Location: South Derbyshire Burton on Trent, Midlands, UK:

Morning all,

dry and still windy out there, much cirrostratus and altostratus about at the moment.

LAST READING AT TIME: 07:00 am DATE: 12 November 2006.

Current Weather Dry

Current Temperature 7.6 °C (45.7°F)

Apparent temp 5.3 °C

Maximum Temperature (since midnight) 8.9 °C at: 0:39 AM

Minimum Temperature (since midnight) 7.6 °C at: 6:57 AM

Average windspeed (ten minute) 6.1 mph Wind Direction (ten minute) W (267º)

Windchill Temperature 6.2 °C Maximum Gust (last hour) 10.1 mph at: 6:14 AM

Maximum Gust (since midnight) 17.4 mph at: 0:34 AM Maximum 1 minute average (since midnight) 10.5 mph at: 0:00 AM

Rainfall (last hour) 0.0 mm Rainfall (since midnight) 0.0 mm (0.00 in.)---

Rainfall This month 5.0 mm (0.20 in.) Rainfall To date this year 411.0 mm (16.18 in.)

Maximum rain per minute (last hour) 0.0 mm/min Maximum rain per hour (last 6 hours) 0.0 mm/hour

Yesterdays rainfall 3.0 mm

DewPoint 3.1 °C

Wet Bulb :5.7 °C

Humidity 73 %

Humidex 6.3 °C

Barometer corrected to msl 1020.0 hPa

Pressure change +0.7 hPa (last hour) Trend STEADY

Pressure change (last 12 hours) +6.0 hPa Pressure change (last 6 hours) +3.0 hPa


  • Location: North Kenton (Tyne-and-Wear)6miles east from newcastle airport
  • Location: North Kenton (Tyne-and-Wear)6miles east from newcastle airport

morning everyone

current temp5.5c

pressure.............................1017.5hpa rise of 0.6mb in 2hours

wind chill5.5c

dew point2.9c

wind direction....west


newcastle upon tyne

  • Location: Merseyside
  • Location: Merseyside

Overcast and windy.

Temperature 10.3c

Humidity 71%

Pressure 1020mB.

  • Location: Cleeve, North Somerset
  • Weather Preferences: Continental winters & summers.
  • Location: Cleeve, North Somerset

Dry and cloudy with light winds. 10.5C

  • Location: Swindon Wiltshire Uk
  • Location: Swindon Wiltshire Uk

Good morning,

Currently partly cloudy.

Temp ~ 10.7c

Humidity ~ 74%

Dewpoint ~ 6.2c

  • Location: Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK
  • Location: Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK

Cloudy but dry at present, 7.5 °C.

Current weather conditions at Inverurie, Aberdeenshire: 12/11/06 10:48.

Temperature: 7.5 °C. Feels like: 7.5 °C.

Humidity: 77 % . Dewpoint: 3.7 °C .

Wind (10 min. avg. high): WSW at 4.0 mph. Today's rain: 0.8 mm .

Barometer: 1012.5 mb and Steady .

  • Location: Fort William - Scotland
  • Location: Fort William - Scotland

Fort William

Overcast, with occasional drizzle.

Current temp 9.2C

Humidity 88%

Dewpoint 7C

Pressure 1010.9mb falling

Wind 5mph (SW) gusting 15mph

  • Location: North Kenton (Tyne-and-Wear)6miles east from newcastle airport
  • Location: North Kenton (Tyne-and-Wear)6miles east from newcastle airport

current conditions in the north east


pressure.....1014.4hpa ,,falling

dew point,,,,6.6c


wind speed....3.5mph

wind direction...west

wind chill...10c

Max temp today......10.8c@ 1359hrs

Min temp today.......4.6c@ 0301hrs



  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire
  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire

Today's been a surprisingly bright day with plenty of hazy sunshine and a gentle WNW breeze. Max 12c.

10c now and partly cloudy at dusk.

  • Location: Saddleworth, Oldham , 175m asl
  • Weather Preferences: warm and sunny, thunderstorms, frost, fog, snow, windstorms
  • Location: Saddleworth, Oldham , 175m asl

Been very dull here with spots of light rain every now and then, max temp today 10.3°C now down to 9.6°C.

  • Location: SE London
  • Location: SE London

Current Nearest Observations:

cloudy 12°C

W (8 mph)

Relative Humidity (%): 71,

Pressure (mB): 1021, Falling,

Visibility: Very good

very mild on my way into work tonight.

  • Location: Stevenage - Herts (110m ASL)
  • Location: Stevenage - Herts (110m ASL)

Another clear and sunny start to the day here, although clouded over this afternoon around 3pm and was trying to drizzle around 5pm this evening.

Reached a low of 4.9C around 6:30am and a high of 11.4C around 1:30pm today. Currently fluctuating around 7.8C/7.9C

Guest Viking141

Calm for most of the day but wind getting up again. Milder with rain this evening.

Temp: 6C

Wind: S @ 26 kts (Force 6) gusting 35 kts (Gale Force :lol:

Pressure: 999mb (falling)

RH: 88%

Visibility: Good

  • Location: SE London
  • Location: SE London

Current Nearest Observations:

cloudy 11°C

South Westerly Wind (10 mph)

Relative Humidity (%): 76,

Pressure (mB): 1018, Falling,

Visibility: Very good

  • Location: Pollard's Hill, Surrey
  • Location: Pollard's Hill, Surrey

Pollard's Hill, Surrey

Past 24 Hours Recordings:

Max Temp: 12.2°C

Min Temp: 7.0°C

Rainfall: Trace

November Stats:

Max Temp Avg: 11.87°C

Min Temp Avg: 3.5°C

Mean Temp Avg: 7.68°C

Highest Daytime Max Temp: 15.0°C on the 8th

Lowest Daytime Max Temp: 9.7°C on the 2nd

Highest Night Min Temp: 8.8°C on the 11th

Lowest Night Min Temp: 0.1°C on the 4th

Highest 24 Hours Rainfall: 5mm on the 11th

Total November Rainfall: 8mm

2006 Stats:

Highest Daytime Max Temp: 33.9°C on 19th July

Lowest Daytime Max Temp: 1.4°C on 2nd February

Highest Night Min Temp: 20.4°C on 26th July

Lowest Night Min Temp: -3.9°C on 4th March

Highest 24 Hours Rainfall: 34mm on 13th August

Total Year Rainfall: 577mm

Driest Month: 18mm...July

Wettest Month: 114mm...August

November 1990-2006 Stats:

Highest Daytime Max Temp: 18.1°C on 3rd November 1994

Lowest Daytime Max Temp: 2.0°C on 22nd November 1993

Highest Night Min Temp: 13.9°C on 16th November 1997

Lowest Night Min Temp: -3.7°C on 23rd November 1993

Mean Temp Avg: Warmest November: 11.32°C...November 1994

Mean Temp Avg: Coldest November: 6.01°C...November 1993

Highest 24 Hours Rainfall: 39mm on 23rd November 2003

Driest November: 26mm...November 1993

Wettest November: 156mm...November 2002

Overall 1990-2006 Stats:

Highest Daytime Max Temp: 36.8°C on 10th August 2003

Lowest Daytime Max Temp: -4.1°C on 7th February 1991

Highest Night Min Temp: 21.2°C on 7th June 1996

Lowest Night Min Temp: -8.5°C on 7th February 1991

Mean Temp Avg: Warmest Month: 22.4°C...July 2006

Mean Temp Avg: Coldest Month: 2.81°C...February 1991

Mean Temp Avg: Warmest Year: 12.25°C...2002

Mean Temp Avg: Coldest Year: 10.73°C...1996

Highest 24 Hours Rainfall: 52mm on 15th September 2000

Driest Month: 1mm...August 1995

Wettest Month: 156mm...November 2002

Driest Year: 433mm...1996

Wettest Year: 875mm...2000


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