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  • Location: Newbury, Berkshire. 107m ASL.
  • Weather Preferences: Summer:sunny, some Thunder,Winter:cold & snowy spells,Other:transitional
  • Location: Newbury, Berkshire. 107m ASL.


I've always been a lurker on here up to now so have never posted to the forum, I hope this hits the right area. Basically I've been interested in metereology for a few years now but now I feel the need to get a proper Weather Station setup. I need my setup to record accurately on my 2nd PC and have it show the basics, wind strength and direction, rainfall amount and duration, temperature etc. I've got a cheapish Oregon type sensor already and a manual plastic rain gauge but thats about all. I don't want to outlay too much but I gather I could need £500ish all told so I could scrape to that. Any advices welcomed and any links that I can visit would be most helpful.

Many Thanks



  • Replies 6
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  • Location: Castle Howard, North Yorkshire
  • Location: Castle Howard, North Yorkshire

Hi Tony, Welcome to the forum :D

I don't know a great deal about weather stations myself, but I know

that there are several members who do, so hopefully someone

will be able to answer your question for you

Brian ;)

  • Location: Evesham/ Tewkesbury
  • Weather Preferences: Enjoy the weather, you can't take it with you 😎
  • Location: Evesham/ Tewkesbury

Hi and Welcome! I purchased a Davis Vantage Pro2 last year and its the best weather station ive ever had and very accurate. You can buy the additional software so you can link it into your computer [weather link 5.7] and I must say it works exceptionally well. Just type the weather station I mentioned into your search engine and it will come up with the info. As the Vantage Pro2 is made in the USA ,you will need a uk dealer, the details are as follows THE WEATHER SHOP@ 5 THE WATERFRONT,SOVEREIGN HARBOUR VILLAGE, EASTBOURNE, BN23 5UZ, OR TELEPHONE 01323 479769 or there website is www.weathershop.co.uk Hope that helps and best of luck! :D

  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire
  • Weather Preferences: Sunshine, convective precipitation, snow, thunderstorms, "episodic" months.
  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire

Your main possibilities as far as I'm aware are the Davis and Oregon Scientific series, although there's a few La Crosse types kicking about.

My WMR928NX cost just over £300, and it was another £120 to get a data logger (you may not need that if you don't need to keep an electronic log of the data, or can trust your computer left on continually!) The Davis series is usually around £500 but I think those come with data loggers.

  • Location: Newbury, Berkshire. 107m ASL.
  • Weather Preferences: Summer:sunny, some Thunder,Winter:cold & snowy spells,Other:transitional
  • Location: Newbury, Berkshire. 107m ASL.

Cheers Guys and Gals.

I like the idea of this logger software. Accuracy is important to me but not to a Met Office standard and the main thing is that I want he equipment that goes with it Kinda like the following.

An accurate rain gauge, an anenometer, Max & Min Temps and DP's. History of events is also important. At the moment I take manual readings off an Oregon BAR628 and rain measurements for a plastic 50mm capacity garden centre type funnel.

Keep them coming.

Many Thanks.


Your main possibilities as far as I'm aware are the Davis and Oregon Scientific series, although there's a few La Crosse types kicking about.

My WMR928NX cost just over £300, and it was another £120 to get a data logger (you may not need that if you don't need to keep an electronic log of the data, or can trust your computer left on continually!) The Davis series is usually around £500 but I think those come with data loggers.

  • Location: London
  • Location: London

Personally I'm going in the opposite direction of the majority on this board and thats away from digital read outs. I'm thinking of building a Stevenson Screen to house some Sheath Screened thermometers (Max and Minimum) a Masons Hygrometer for relative humidity. Also a rain gauge, maybe a Remex one in the garden. I already have an old exisiting Meto-instruments weather station (housed in teak with glass front and 3 dials) which has a barograph (I also have a barrel one), an Anenometer with wind direction and speed. I cannot see why this cannot almost be as accurate as lets say a Davis Pro2 and certainly cheaper, although you cannot in regards to the Stevenson Screen instruments see the changes as they happen but useful purely through a record keeping sense.


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