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Chase 2010 - Day 9

Paul Sherman

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  • Location: Leigh On Sea - Essex & Tornado Alley
  • Location: Leigh On Sea - Essex & Tornado Alley

Today is another Positioning day as we head towards Wichita in readiness for some Supercells tomorrow in NE Kansas. Along the way we will pass through Greensburg so if you are watching the Live Streaming at around 9-10pm tonight we will be passing through. It is exactly 3 years ago to the day that it got affected by a 2.2 Mile wide EF5 Tornado. We will also be able to see how the rebuilding process is coming along.

Paul S

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  • Location: Caterham-on-the-hill, Surrey, 190m asl (home), Heathrow (work)
  • Location: Caterham-on-the-hill, Surrey, 190m asl (home), Heathrow (work)

Having been to ground zero in 2008 and 2009, it'll be interesting to see how rebuilding is coming along. Last year it seemed only half the town had been rebuilt, 2 years after.

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  • Location: Aviemore
  • Location: Aviemore

Big test of the mobile internet through the panhandle, signal is crappy up there, verizon was dead as a dodo last year, looks like the sprint is struggling a bit but is at least able to stream something which is a definite improvement.

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  • Location: Scarborough, North Yorkshire - 80m ASL
  • Weather Preferences: Tornadoey
  • Location: Scarborough, North Yorkshire - 80m ASL

Big test of the mobile internet through the panhandle, signal is crappy up there, verizon was dead as a dodo last year, looks like the sprint is struggling a bit but is at least able to stream something which is a definite improvement.

Aye, I picked Sprint for this very reason. They actually are using the panhandle as a test area for the 4G service so if you have the technology and are around one of their 4G enabled towns, you get some obscene speeds in the panhandle :rofl: It's just very limited in range aound these test towns as the towers they are using for this test are fairly small. Towns included are Pampa, White Deer, Borger, Canyon, Panhandle and Hereford (Along with Amarillo an Lubbock). Not sure if your device is 4G enabled but might be worth taking into account if you are looking for a target early in the ay to wait for initiation!

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  • Location: Cumbria UK
  • Weather Preferences: Cloud 9
  • Location: Cumbria UK

We are just about 19 miles from Greensburg on 54 coming in from the west. It will be interesting for me to see what progress has been made since I was here last.


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  • Location: Aviemore
  • Location: Aviemore

The team are closing in on Greensburg now..

I was part of the team on tour 1 in 2008 when we visited Greensburg on the first anniversary of the tornado flattening most of the town and it was a truly sobering experience. Even 12 months on there was barely anything there, homes, schools, shops and businesses all flattened and reduced to nothing but rubble.

It really makes you step back and realise that these storms can and do devastate lives and communities, and we should never forget that.

If you have a moment, it's worth tuning into the stream just to take a look at the place, 3 years on.


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  • Location: Cumbria UK
  • Weather Preferences: Cloud 9
  • Location: Cumbria UK

Well I have to say the reconstruction work is going well and we were impressed with what we saw. New school, new buildings along Main street. New trees being replanted. Construction work going on all around strangely enough a lot of timber framed buildings mixed in with the red brick houses. Still lots of people living in mobile homes.

Lets hope they do not get a repeat performance although it could happen again any time mother nature aint that bothered at times.

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  • Location: South Shields Tyne & Wear half mile from the coast.
  • Location: South Shields Tyne & Wear half mile from the coast.

Sombre moment as Greensburg is still visibly recovering after that fateful evening May 4th 2007. Great to see that the rebuild is continuing although looks to be very slow. At least they seem to be fulfilling the promise to make Greensburg truly green with the erection of that big windmill.


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  • Location: south east London
  • Location: south east London

yes a lot has changed since I was last there 2 years ago is good to finaly see the place being rebuilt still a sobering thought of what mother nature can cunger up if she wants happy hunting for tomorrow fellas Paul tom will see you Saturday

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