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With all these heat waves across the Northern Hemisphere, there have been some very high daytime maxima and night minima. Without doing too much research, i have read that in Sibi, Pakistan there was a minima of 37C(!) on 27th June 2010. Anyone know what the record high minima anywhere in the world is, or anything higher than 37C?

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  • Location: Isle of Lewis
  • Weather Preferences: Sun in summer, snow in winter, wind in Autumn and rainbows in the spring!
  • Location: Isle of Lewis

With all these heat waves across the Northern Hemisphere, there have been some very high daytime maxima and night minima. Without doing too much research, i have read that in Sibi, Pakistan there was a minima of 37C(!) on 27th June 2010. Anyone know what the record high minima anywhere in the world is, or anything higher than 37C?

Death valley is a good culprit as is saudi arabia too.... epescially when the datime max are fast approaching 50C :)

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  • Location: City of Gales, New Zealand, 150m ASL
  • Location: City of Gales, New Zealand, 150m ASL

37C must be pretty close. Try looking for records around the Persian Gulf, my bet would be around there.

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Interestingly, i found a weather station located on one of the man made palm tree islands in Dubai! It's only been up for a couple of weeks, and the highest minima is 37.0C!


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40C at 6am in Iraq! The data is a bit sporadic, but that's not surprising.


Can't see a minima being much higher than 40C!

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  • 1 year later...
  • Location: Leicestershire
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, snowy Winters and cool, wet Summers
  • Location: Leicestershire

Death valley is a good culprit as is saudi arabia too.... epescially when the datime max are fast approaching 50C mellow.gif

I'd be surprised if Death Valley was a good culprit - don't they have quite low minima considering it's a desert?

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